Meridian Rd: Abiqua Creek Bridge Repair
Marion County has received a State Funded Local Project (SFLP)
grant to construct scour repairs and foundation strengthening at the abutments and piers, and to install new approach guardrails to County Bridge #2504A. These repairs will extend the service life of the bridge by making it resistant to scour and the new approach guardrail will improve safety. A contract has been awarded to Farline Bridge, Inc., but the work will not be completed until 2025 due to in-water work restrictions and design changes. The road will be closed with a signed detour in
place for approximately 2 months during the Spring of 2025. The exact timing of
this closure has not been determined.
Total Project including engineering and right-of-way $1,902,200
State Funds $1,706,844
County Funds $195,356