French Prairie Rd: Champoeg Creek Bridge

The Champoeg Creek Bridge #05492 is located on French Prairie Road 0.2 miles south of Highway 219 in the Woodburn area. The existing bridge is narrow, is in poor condition, has no approach guardrail and the bridge rail is substandard. It was constructed in 1955, is load limited and has a sufficiency rating of 44.5 out of 100.
The County has received fund exchange funding from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) through the Local Bridge Program to replace the bridge. The proposed bridge will be constructed at the same location as the existing bridge and the road will be closed during construction with detour signing in place during the closure. Construction is expected during the Summer of 2026. The new structure will meet current AASHTO and ODOT standards for load capacity, deck width, bridge rail and approach guardrail. The new roadway will be designed to meet AASHTO standards for alignment and grade.
Anticipated Bid Opening: Winter 2025-26
Construction Year: 2026
Total Project Cost including engineering and right-of-way: $1,923,100
State Funds: $1,687,193
County Funds: $193,107