​McKay Rd ARPA Safety Improvements
Notice of February 29, 2024 Open House
About the project:
Marion County has been awarded an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund Grant to construct intermittent safety improvements along McKay Rd. Improvements will include adding a paved center median, replacing old and substandard guardrail, striping and rumble strips in the three creek crossing areas between Case and Gearin Roads.
Total Costs including engineering: $3,000,000.00
Federal Funds: $3,000,000.00
County Funds: $0
To maximize this award, Marion County is seeking additional funding to expand the project and increase safety along more of this high-traffic corridor.
Design 2023-2024
Bid Opening: Fall/Winter 2024
Construction 2025-2026
For questions or comments about this project, email ConstructionProjects@co.marion.or.us.