I/DD Services

Contact Us
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
3180 Center Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Phone: 503-588-5288
Fax: 503-588-5290
The State of Oregon contracts with each county to provide a variety of services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our Intellectual & Developmental Disability (I/DD) services team participates in planning and developing resources, coordinating services, and negotiating and monitoring contracts.
Intellectual and developmental disabilities are a diverse group of severe chronic conditions that are due to mental and/or physical impairments. Intellectual and developmental disabilities may appear anytime during development (0-22 years of age), and usually last throughout a person's lifetime. People with developmental disabilities face challenges with major life activities such as language, mobility, learning, self-help, and independent living. However, they can live healthy lives!
Service Coordination (Case Management): An Individual Support Plan (ISP) is developed, through a person centered planning process, that outlines support needs, goals, as well as plans for community integration and promoting independence in all settings. Service Coordinators provide information and referrals as needed and support access to home and community based I/DD services. People receiving I/DD services may live independently at home with families, in foster care, or other residential settings such as HOST homes or 24-hour residential homes.
In Home Services: In home services are directed by the individual and/or their legal representative and may include, but are not limited to, services such as attendant care, access to assistive devices, relief care, employment supports, transportation, home modifications, and positive behavior supports.
Residential Services: Residential programs for children and adults provide services in neighborhood settings for people who require 24-hour care, supervision, support, and training. Residential Services are voluntary and are directed by the individual and/or their legal representative. Programs provide room and board as well as services such as monitoring of medical and health needs, behavior management, assistance with money management, and participation in community and leisure time activities.
Family Support (Children Only): Family Support provides individualized planning, information and referral, service coordination for children, and arranging for services and supports to be provided that enable a child to remain in or return to their family home. Supports are directed by the family, flexible, and may include relief care, community inclusion, attendant care, and positive behavior support.
Other I/DD services may include:
· Crisis services
· In-home services
· Intake & eligibility determination
· Referral to brokerage services for adults
· Residential services
· Transportation Services for adults
· Vocational Services for adults
Not Happy with Your Service?
For information on how to file a complaint about our I/DD services, or for brokerage services complaints, click HERE.
Email Privacy: While we are happy to answer general questions via email, we suggest you do not transmit personal or health related information in your message. We cannot meet any expectation you might have of confidentiality when you communicate with us over the Internet. If you have a specific personal or health-related issue, please call the appropriate county government office instead.
Email address: health@co.marion.or.us
To report a public health emergency, or make an urgent report of communicable disease, call 503-588-5621 at anytime.