Marion County currently pays 95% of the monthly premiums for MCLEA-FOPPO health plans. The employee's premium share is 5% of the medical and dental plans selected. Current premium rates are on the bottom of the Plan Summary.
If you are a current employee, you may submit enrollment forms electronically from the Employee Benefits Intranet page.
Dental Benefits
To enroll in a dental plan, you must also be enrolled in one of the above medical plans. Employees may choose either dental plan with any of the medical plans. There are two dental plans to choose from:
Delta Dental
Delta Dental Summary of Benefits
Access your benefits through myModa
Oral Health Total Health member flyer
Kaiser Permanente
Dental Summary of Benefits
Kaiser Enrollment Guide
Commuter Expense Reimbursement Account (CERA) Parking & Transportation Plans
The CERA Account allows you to use pre-tax dollars to pay for parking and transportation expenses such as van pool and mass transit. Participating in the CERA may be started or stopped effective the first of any month.
There are two different sections of our CERA plan, and each have their own enrollment forms:
CERA Parking – Marion County assigned parking, downtown at either Courthouse Square or the Marion County Courthouse paid directly via payroll deduction, no reimbursement needed.
CERA parking enrollment Form
CERA Transportation – Parking, vanpool, mass transit and other transportation options which are not arranged by Marion County, you pay the vendor and then get reimbursed. Contribution limits are set forth annually by the IRS.
To register for a CERA Transportation account, modify your election, or to seek reimbursement for applicable expenses, please log-in to your Consolidated Admin Services (CAS) account at: CAS Online Portal
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) allow you to defer money from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis to help pay for IRS-qualified expenses. Marion County offers two kinds of flexible spending accounts:
Health Care FSA: This account can be used to pay for eligible medical, dental vision, hearing and prescription expenses for you, your spouse and eligible tax dependents. You cannot have a health care FSA and a health savings account at the same time.
IRS guidelines set the contribution amount allowed for each type of FSA annually. Some important details to consider when enrolling:
Our health care and dependent care accounts are administered by:
Consolidated Admin Services (CAS)
FSA Forms and Resources
FSA Brochure - Information on healthcare and dependent care FSA. - A great resource to research healthcare items to see if they are deemed a qualified medical expense. You do not have to purchase items through this website.
Disability Insurance
Both plans are underwritten by New York Life Insurance
Voluntary Short Term Disability Insurance
Employees may apply to purchase voluntary short term disability insurance, which covers themselves only. If you are within 30 days of hire, or becoming eligible for benefits, your approval is guaranteed. If you are applying outside of this time period, your application will be subject to medical underwriting.
This insurance would cover up to 60% of an employee's gross wages, after a 14-day waiting period has been satisfied. You are required to use your accruals during your 14-day waiting period. Short term disability covers a total of 11 weeks, after which your claim may transition to a long-term disability claim upon review by New York Life Insurance.
The premium amount is based on a formula involving age and income and is deducted on a post-tax basis from your paycheck.
Short Term Disability Forms & Resources
Voluntary Short Term Disability Summary and Application - subject to medical underwriting if not elected within 30-days of eligibility
Voluntary Short-Term Disability Insurance Certificate
How to file a Short-Term Disability Claim
Voluntary Short-Term Disability Cancellation Form
Long Term Disability Insurance (auto-enrollment)
Marion County provides long term disability benefits at no cost to the employee. If the employee cannot work, due to a non work related illness or injury, the policy will pay 66.67% of their gross wages after a 90-day waiting period. You must also exhaust your time off accruals before the payments will begin.
We recommend filing your claim before reaching the end of your 90-day waiting period so New York Life has your file ready for their review.
If your disability deems you unable to return to work, and you separate employment, your claim remains active and you will still receive disability payments until a) New York Life deems you no longer disabled upon a review of your medical file or b) you reach social security age. As well New York Life will continue to provide your life insurance policy, at the benefit level in place on your date of disability, at no charge to you.
Long Term Disability Forms & Resources
LTD Certificate of coverage
How to Report a Long-Term Disability Claim
Life Insurance
Both plans are underwritten by New York Life Insurance
Group Term Life Insurance (auto-enrolled)
Marion County provides a term life insurance benefit through New York Life Insurance Company for all eligible employees at no cost to employees. The benefit is equal to the employee's annual salary rounded to the next highest $1,000, payable upon the employee's death. The eligibility waiting period is the first of the month following 30 days employment with the county. This coverage includes accidental death and dismemberment, a seatbelt provision, and a living benefit.
Group Term Life Forms and Resources
Group Term Life Insurance Information
Group Term Life Insurance Certificate
Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Certificate
GTL VTL Beneficiary
Voluntary Term Life Insurance
Employees may apply to purchase supplemental coverage from New York Life Insurance Company for themselves and their spouses in units of $10,000 to a maximum of $300,000, as long as the amount does not exceed six times the employee's annual earnings. Coverage for your unmarried children can be purchased in amounts of $2,000, $5,000 or $10,000. The premium is paid through payroll deduction and the amount is based on the employee's age and tobacco use. This coverage includes accidental death and dismemberment.
It is the employee's responsibility to inform Employee Benefits within 30 days after the event if:
They, or a covered spouse, are no longer a tobacco user;
They divorce a covered spouse;
They have child coverage, and the last child covered is no longer eligible due to marriage, age, or student status.
Additional Life Insurance for Law Enforcement
This is a benefit for sheriffs or deputy sheriffs who fit the following description: A person employed by Marion County whose duties, as classified by the county's governing body, include the regular duties of sheriffs or deputy sheriffs, excluding volunteers, reserve police officers or persons considered by Marion County to be civil deputies or clerical personnel.
Aside from the Basic Group Life Insurance, Marion County provides the above classified, benefits-eligible employees, a $10,000 additional life insurance benefit for law enforcement officers through New York Life Insurance. Employees are eligible for this benefit the first of the month following 30 days of employment with the county.

Contact Information
Crisis Counselors are available 24/7/365
Call 1-800-433-2320
Text: 503-850-7721
Canopy EAP
Personal Consultation with an EAP Professional
Access up to six (6) counseling sessions face to face, over the phone, or online. Canopy EAP professionals will help identify problems, establish goals, make recommendations, and develop action plans in areas such as:
-Marital conflict | -Stress management | -Alcohol or drug abuse |
-Conflict at work | -Family relationships | -Grieving a loss |
-Depression | -Anxiety | -Career development services |
Work / Family / Life
Canopy will do the research for you. We will help locate resources and information related to Eldercare, Childcare, Identity Theft or anything else you may need.
Legal Consultations / Mediation
Call Canopy for a 30 minute office or telephone consultation at no cost with a network attorney/mediator. A 25% discount from the attorney's/mediator's normal hourly rate is available thereafter.
Financing Coaching
Coaches will provide 30 consecutive days of unlimited financial coaching, developing a needs analysis and an online written action plan to help develop better spending habits, reduce debt, improve credit, increase savings, and plan for retirement.
Home Ownership Program
Assistance and discounts for buying, selling, and refinancing.
Pet Resources
We offer free pet information and support, including pet insurance discounts, new pet parent resources and bereavement support.
Professional Service Programs
- Tax preparation Q&A and discounted services
- Will Kit questionnaire and online legal tools
- Fertility health support
- Gym membership discounts
EAP Member Site
Innovative educational tools, chat for support, take self-assessments, view videos and webinars, access courses, download documents and more.
To learn more visit:
Canopy Centers EAP and click on Member Log-In to register or sign in.
Enter Marion County for company name when you register.
Discounts on outdoor adventures, travel, amusement, self-care, wellness resources and more. To access, log onto the EAP Member Site or visit
Life Balance Program. Your activation code is: MCW2954
WholeLife Directions
Take a confidential survey and get connected to interactive tools to improve the way you feel. Log onto the EAP member site or search for Whole Life Directions in the App Store or Google Play.
PERS (Public Service Retirement System)
Due to the complexity of Oregon PERS, and their ever-changing regulations and requirements we ask that you please call PERS directly for any questions you may have. They can be reached toll-free at: 888-320-7377. You can also visit them online, and view your PERS account, at
PERS Online
What is PERS?
The Oregon Public Service Retirement System administers the retirement program for eligible public sector employees.
How do I become a member?
Unless you are already a member of the pension plan through previous public sector employment, new Marion County employees will become members of PERS after working six months in a qualified position, requiring at least 600 hours in a calendar year. The effective date is the first of the month following this requirement.
What tier am I in?
There are 3 levels of PERS membership which are dependent on your date of hire:
Tier One covers members hired before January 1, 1996.
Tier Two covers members hired between January 1, 1996 and August 28, 2003.
OPSRP covers members hired on or after August 29, 2003.
What is included in my PERS retirement?
Your retirement plan with PERS has two parts: the pension and the IAP.
PERS Pension:
Marion County contributes to the pension plan, which is a defined benefit plan. Members are vested in their pension plan after 5 years of service with at least 600 hours in each year.
Individual Account Program (IAP)
Once becoming a member of the pension plan, 6% of your salary is then contributed to a tax-deferred Individual Account Program (IAP). Currently Marion County contributes this 6% on your behalf. Employees are vested in this plan as soon as the account is established. If a newly hired employee is already a PERS member, their 6% IAP contribution will start with their first paycheck.
Frequently Requested Forms:
Tier 1 and Tier 2 Beneficiary Designation Form
OPSRP Beneficiary Designation Form
PERS Info Change Request All Tiers
Employee Savings & Deferred Compensation Plans
Marion County's 457(b) Plan is administered by Voya Financial Services. To start, change or stop contributions contact Voya's Portland Office at the number below, or use the customer online portal:
Customer Online Portal
Portland Office: 503-937-0351 or 800-238-6281
Customer Service: 800-584-6001 (M-F 5am-6pm Pacific Time)
457(b) Deferred Compensation Plans
All Marion County benefit-eligible employees are able to participate in the 457(b)Deferred Compensation Plan. This plan allows you to contribute money on a pre or post tax basis to a 457(b) Plan administered by Voya Financial Services. You may enroll at any time of year, you do not have to wait for Open Enrollment, and you may enroll in either or both plans.
Note: It may take up to 3 pay-cycles before the contribution begins.
457(b) Pre-Tax Deferral
The 457(b) Plan is pre-tax when deducted from your check, and you don't pay taxes until you start receiving payments, usually at retirement when you are in a lower tax bracket.
Roth IRA Post-Tax Deferral
Roth IRA is deducted post tax, so the taxes are taken care of when you begin to receive payments.
457(b) Forms and Resources
457 Plan Doc
457 Plan Online Enrollment Instructions - to enroll online
457 EZ Enroll Form Fillable- to enroll via fax
457 Final Paycheck Contribution Chg Form