Towed or Impounded Vehicles
Requirements to obtain a release
You must get a release from the Sheriff's Office at 100 High St. NE, Salem
The Registered Owner must provide the following:
Proof of ownership (registration or title)
Proof of current insurance on vehicle
Current and valid driver's license. If you do not have a valid license, then a person with a current and valid driver's license must accompany you to claim your vehicle
Release fee of $120.00 Exact cash or money order only. We are unable to make change.
Ordinance Tow
(Violation of
Marion County Ordinance 1079 and Oregon State law)
No Insurance
No Operator's License
Driving Suspended
Requesting Tow Hearings
The tow hearing process is a procedure by which citizens who feel their vehicles have been or will be invalidly towed, can obtain a speedy determination of the validity of the tow. If the tow is determined to be invalid, then a refund of the towing and storage charges and/or immediate release of the vehicle may be obtained.
The Hearings Officer will determine the validity of the tow. You must still appear in Circuit or Justice Court on any traffic or parking citations which may have been issued in connection with this matter.
Except in the most unusual situation, a tow of a vehicle which was illegally parked, impeding traffic, or creating a traffic hazard will not be found invalid merely because the vehicle owner was not at fault. The fact that the vehicle was disabled or the vehicle was being operated by a suspended driver without the owner's knowledge will not ordinarily be sufficient to cause the tow to be found invalid. Because of the interest of the County citizens in keeping the roads safe and traffic flowing freely, the Hearings Officer may not direct the release of your vehicle or the refund of the towing charges merely because you are financially unable to pay these charges.
Send tow hearing requests to:
Marion County Hearing Officer
c/o Marion County Legal Counsel
P.O. Box 14500
Salem, OR 97309
Please include the following information:
Daytime phone number
Whether you own this vehicle. If not, state your interest in the vehicle.
Date of tow
Company that towed your vehicle
Police department that ordered your vehicle towed (Marion County Sheriff's Office or Oregon State Police)
Copy of tow notice
Name of deputy, if legible
Case Number
Whether the vehicle been released to you
Why you believe the tow was not valid
Days that are best for you to attend a hearing
Whether you would like to have a telephone hearing
Interpretive services or other accommodations you may need