Complaint Forms & Instructions

Administrative Services
3160 Center Street NE
Salem, OR 97301
Phone: 503-588-5357
Fax: 503-364-6552
Complaints - All complaints except Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
English Complaint Form with Instructions - Fillable
English Complaint Form with Instructions - Non-Fillable
Spanish Complaint Form with Instructions - Fillable
Spanish Complaint Form with Instructions - Non-Fillable
Complaints - Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
English IDD Complaint form with Instructions - Fillable
English IDD Complaint form with Instructions - Non-Fillable
Spanish IDD Complaint form with Instructions - Fillable
Spanish IDD Complaint form with Instructions - Non-Fillable
Email Privacy: While we are happy to answer general questions via email, we suggest you do not transmit personal or health related information in your message. We cannot meet any expectation you might have of confidentiality when you communicate with us over the Internet. If you have a specific personal or health-related issue, please call the appropriate county government office instead.
Email address:
To report a public health emergency, or make an urgent report of communicable disease, call 503-588-5621 at anytime.