Self-Help Resources for Recovery from Substance Abuse
There are a number of local resources for peer-to-peer recovery support for substance abuse and addiction issues. Some of them include:
Alcoholics Anonymous Salem Center
210 Liberty St. SE, Suite 50 Salem, OR
(503) 399-0599
Alcohol and Drug Helpline/Youth line
All toll free #s (877) 515-7878, ( 800) 923-4357, (877) 553-8336
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups
PO Box 5159, Salem, OR
(503) 370-7363
Alcohol Treatment Center
24 hour help line (800) 260-4014
Grupo 24 Horas Oregon De Alcolicos Aninimos
449 N. Front St. Woodburn
(503) 982-2028
Grupo 24 Horas De Alcoholicos
2299 State St. Salem
(503) 581-9533
Project ABLE
Support, classes for people with substance abuse and mental health issues.
(503) 302-5269
Recovery Association Project
1144 Madison St. Suite D, Salem
(503) 393-4273
SOS Club
(a number of 12 step groups are held here) (503) 399-0792
1797 Center St. NE, Salem
Tahana Whitecrow
2350 Wallace Rd. NW, Salem
(Treatment and support for Native Americans)
(503) 585-0564
Welcomaaa Club
(a number of 12 step groups are held here)
3825 D St. NE, Salem
(503) 363-6173
Community & Provider Services (CAPS)
3876 Beverly Ave NE Bldg G, Salem, OR 97305
(503) 585-4977 fax (503) 361-2782