How can I return my voted ballot?
Official Ballot Drop Box: You may return your voted ballot at any official ballot drop box in Oregon. You do not need to apply postage to your return envelope. A roster of Marion County's
Official Drop Boxes can be found here.
Mail: Beginning 2019, you do not need to apply postage to your return envelope when mailing it. Postmarks count IF mailed on or before Election Day AND received within 7 days of Election Day.
We strongly encourage early voting! It is best to have your ballot in the mail at least a week before Election Day.
Where is the closest drop box to me?
You can locate the
nearest Marion County ballot drop box here. 99.03% of Marion County voters live within 15 minutes of an official drop box.
I accidentally marked the wrong selection while voting. What can I do?
Draw a line through the mistaken selection. Then proceed with voting as intended. To make your intent as clear as possible, you may circle your intended selection, or write “yes” next to the intended selection and “no” next to the mistaken selection.
If you make a mistake that cannot be corrected in this manner, we may provide you with a replacement ballot. Call our office at (503) 588-5041.
Will my vote still count if I don’t vote on all of the races?
Yes. The contests you did not vote on will be tallied as undervotes.
How can I track my ballot?
Sign up for BallotTrax to receive notification about the status of your ballot. You can opt to receive notifications by email, phone, or text.
You may also go to and sign into MyVote to view your ballot status.
I am disabled. Can someone help me vote?
Yes, a friend, family member, or other trusted person can help you vote, but you must sign your own ballot return envelope.
Under Oregon law, your employer, an agent of your employer, or a union officer or agent of a union of which you are a member are forbidden from helping you vote or register to vote.
I am disabled and unable to vote my paper ballot. What other accommodations do you have?
Upon request, we would be happy to provide you with a Large Print Ballot or access to an Alternate Format Ballot. You may also come to our office to use our Accessible Computer Station. Please bring the ballot packet you received through the mail when you come in.
Due to an injury or disability, I am unable to sign my ballot return envelope. What can I do?
It depends on whether or not your condition is temporary. Please call our office at (503) 588-5041 for more information.
Can Someone with Power of Attonery Sign my Envelope for me?
No one else can sign on your behalf, even if they have power of attorney for you. Contact our office to see what your options are for signing you envelope.
Can someone tell how I’ve voted?
No. Your ballot is separated from your return envelope before your ballot is inspected. The process is designed to ensure confidentiality.
Can someone tell whether I’ve voted?
Yes. That information is public record.
I got a letter saying my signature was challenged. What should I do?
Follow the instructions in the letter. You may be required to update your signature using an enclosed voter registration form.
Your response must be received no later than June 10, 2024, and your updated signature must match the signature on your return envelope in order for your ballot to be counted. Postmarks do not count.
I got a letter saying I didn’t sign my ballot. What can I do?
Sign where indicated on the letter and return the letter to us. Your response must be received no later than
June 10, 2024. Postmarks do not count. Your signature on the letter must match the signature in your voter registration file in order for your ballot to be accepted.
When is the last day to respond to a challenged signature letter?
The last day to cure any issues with your ballot is
June 10, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Postmarks do not count.