Current participants wanting to report changes
Friendly reminder ~ all changes need to be reported within 10 days of the change.
Income Change form with Verification of Employment and applicable documents linked below.
Income change with VOE and Zero Inc. Cert.pdf
Request to Add NEW Household member FORM ONLY
Request to Add an Adult Packet with all forms. Rev 3.6.2020
Request to Remove a Household Member
Portability request form 9-2018
Request for a Voucher Extension
Our staff is working diligently on processing your annual recertifications and other requests. Once we receive your notification of change and all applicable verification forms, we will process your change accordingly. Should we need any other information, we will contact you via e-mail or phone in order to expedite your change, and if we're unable to reach you we will contact you via US Mail.
You may submit your documentation in the following ways:
Via e-mail in PDF format to: MCHA_INFO@MCHAOR.ORG (make sure all pages are attached and legible) If you have a smart phone, there are free apps you can download to take a picture of your document and make it into a PDF. In your app store, search for "scanner".
How to scan documents
For questions on who to contact at MCHA you may call
503-798-4170 and you will be directed to the appropriate person.
Your Case Manager will continue working on any previously reported changes or requests to move. They will primarily be communicating with you via e-mail and phone, if they are unable to reach you, they will contact you via US Mail.
If you don't have an e-mail address, you may set up a free account with one of the many providers. You may visit
https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/free-email-accounts to select a provider and create your account.
MCHA is not currently scheduling biannual inspections. If you are a current participant or landlord and would like to request a special inspection for health and safety hazards, please contact MCHA_Inspections@mchaor.org or call our office at 503-798-4170.
We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
Family Self Sufficiency Program (FSS)
Application for current HCV/VASH/PBV participants
FSS Application
Contact us at fss@mchaor.org
If you are porting in from a different housing authority email portability@mchaor.org.
MCHA is currently billing for participants porting in from other jurisdictions.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. 
Our commitment to fair housing provides an opportunity for all people to access our services.
Federal laws require PHAs to treat all applicants and participants equally, providing the same opportunity to access services, regardless of family characteristics and background. Federal law prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status, and disability. In addition, HUD regulations provide for additional protections regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and marital status. The Marion County Housing Authority will comply fully with all federal, state, and local nondiscrimination laws, and with rules and regulations governing fair housing and equal opportunity in housing and employment.
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