Adopt-A-Road Program
– Notice –
Seasonal dispatch hours have changed. Adopt-A-Road kits can be picked up at the dispatch office between 8:00am and 3:30pm, Monday - Friday. If you are unable to get the kits between these hours, they can now be picked up at the front desk between 3:30pm and 5:00pm, Monday - Friday.
Dear Marion County Resident:
Thank you in advance for your interest in the Adopt-A-Road Program. Here is a brief explanation of the program:
A primary contact person who resides in Marion County with a mailing address of the individual, family, group, or organization must be provided on a completed application.
Requested commitment: 1 to 2 mile section of county road unless along a residential or business area within the urban growth boundary, then it shall be one-half mile or longer.
Minimum cleanup of 2 times per year.
Participants must be 10 years of age or older. A signed waiver of liability and indemnification form must be submitted for each participant before participation in a cleanup.
After one year of commitment and 2 clean-ups, a sign with your group name will be placed in recognition of your efforts.
You set your own schedule for pickups.
We provide a container with vests, gloves, yellow bags for trash, flags to flag any chemical, animals, large appliances, etc.
We provide necessary warning signs to be placed on the shoulder of the road.
After each cleanup, our Litter Patrol will pick up the trash bags.
Children under 18 must have a waiver of liability and indemnification form signed by their parent or guardian.
Children age 10 and 11 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
If you or your group would like to adopt a section of county road, please contact us at (503) 588-5304 or visit the Adopt-a-Road Responsibilities page for more information.