Citizen Dust Abatement Program
For the 2024 Season
Marion County does allow citizens to contract with qualified applicators for the application of dust abatement products on county or non-county (NCR) maintained gravel roads. This must be done in accordance with county maintenance regulations and specifications. A list of county authorized participating contractors is included in this year's Citizen Dust Abatement Permit.
Purpose of Program
The purpose of the citizen dust abatement program is to stabilize the soil for public safety and to control dust and associated concerns generated by traffic during dry weather periods on gravel roadways within public right-of way.
General Policy
Marion County Department of Public Works is currently allowing qualified contractors to apply an environmentally sensitive dust abatement product to county maintained gravel roads in accordance with county maintenance regulations and specifications. Under normal weather conditions, this will effectively control dust during the dry weather period.
Those residents interested in participating in the citizen dust abatement program can view the permit at the following link:
Program Season
Application of dust abatement products will be permitted between May 6th, 2024 – June 27th, 2024. Marion County Public Works will make staff available at no charge for the preparation work of pre-grading the road in advance of the dust abatement application on county roads until June 27th, 2024. After June 27th, 2024 if the county requires grading before the product is placed, permit holders will be required to pay for the grading services at a rate of $130.00 per hour (2 hour, $260.00 minimum). Payment must be received before grading or dust abatement application will be performed. Grading will be scheduled as staff is available.
Minimum width of application
Application shall be centered on the gravel road. If the road is less than 16' in width, the entire road shall be shot (berm to berm). If the road is over 16' in width, the minimum width of application is 16'.
Program Permit Applications
Permit Applications to participate in the program can be printed from the above link. They are also available from the Public Works Department located at 5155 Silverton Road NE, Salem, Oregon. The citizen dust abatement Permit must be filled out and returned to one of the approved contractors listed on the Permit Application. It will then be forwarded to Marion County Public Works for approval.
Property owners on non-county roads will be allowed to participate in the citizen dust abatement program. The county will not grade non-county roads (NCR). Property owners on non-county roads will need to hire a private contractor for grading in preparation for dust abatement product application.
Those residents on a non-county road interested in participating in the citizen dust abatement program should contact the approved contractors for more information.
Citizen Dust Abatement Q&A
All disputed work regarding the performance of the contractor or product upon application and thereafter shall be between the property owner and the contractor. Citizens are responsible for all financial arrangements and payment of the product application to the contractor they select. If an issue arises that Marion County should be aware of, a complaint form can be filled out and returned to Public Works Department located at 5155 Silverton Road NE, Salem, Oregon.
Dust Abatement Complaint Form