Citizen Dust Abatement
Questions & Answers
How effective is Lignin to control dust?
Estimates of the effectiveness of Lignin in controlling dust range from 80% to 100%. In general, the product is 100% effective when first applied and gradually loses some effectiveness with the passage of time, depending on the amount and type of traffic using the road and the amount of summer rainfall that occurs.
How long does it last?
Usually, one application of the product will be effective for the entire summer season. At the end of the season, Marion County will be grading all gravel roads, at which time most of the benefits of the product are terminated. Should a heavy rain occur after the product is applied, the effectiveness may be significantly reduced for the remainder of the summer.
How much does it cost?
For information on current costs, please see the
2023DustAbatementPermit.where you will find contact information for the approved contractors.
What is the minimum width of road the approved contractors will apply the Lignin on?
Application shall be centered on the gravel road. If the road is less than 16' in width, the entire road shall be shot (berm to berm). If the road is over 16' in width, the minimum width of application is 16'.
Are there any bad effects from the use of Lignin as a dust retardant?
As mentioned, the product may lose effectiveness as a result of heavy rainfall. Other undesirable characteristics are:
- Traffic delays may be necessary following application of the Lignin. This is to allow the product to be absorbed into the road surface.
- After application, there may be puddles of Lignin still in evidence for up to 12 hours. Later, rainfall may also cause the product to splash. If splashing occurs, the product can be washed off with soap and water. Lignin DOES NOT CAUSE RUSTING.
- Under heavy traffic the road surface may begin to develop ravel and/or potholes. There is no way to repair this damage. Should the road surface become excessively rough, Marion County will have little choice but to return the rough section of road to its original condition by performing grading work.
How about environmental effects?
According to the manufacturer, the composition of Lignin is:
Tree pulp and liquids ........................... 27%
Sugar ................................................................. 12%
Ash ...................................................................... 8%
Water ................................................................ 53%
When can Marion County roads be treated for citizen dust abatement?
Application of dust abatement products will be permitted between May 8th to June 29th 2023. After June 29th, 2023, if grading is required, applicants will be charged $130.00 per hour for grading (2-hr minimum).
Where can I find more information concerning the use of Lignin as a dust retardant?
Both the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service have experience with the use of this product at the national level, as well as Jackson County, at the state level. Environmental concerns may be addressed to the Department of Environmental Quality.
Who do I give my Citizen Dust Abatement Permit to?
Fill out the
2023DustAbatementPermit and return it to one of the contractors listed on the permit. The contractor will forward the permit to Marion County Public Works for approval.
Do I have to pay for grading?
If you are on a Marion County maintained road and the grading is completed by June 29th, 2023, there is no cost for the grading. After Julne 29th, if the County requires grading before the dust abatement product is placed, permit holders will be required to pay for the grading services at a rate of $130.00 per hour (2-hour minimum).
If you are on a non-County road (NCR), Marion County will not grade the road. You will need to hire a private contractor.
If I get my Permit in before June 29th, but the grading is not completed until after June 29th due to the contractor's schedule, will I still have to pay for the grading?
Yes, you will have to pay for grading if it is done after the June 29th deadline regardless of the reason.