Transportation Permit Requirements -- Marion County Road System
Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) prescribes size and weight limits for motor vehicles. A permit system is provided whereby vehicles may exceed statute limits on most Marion County roads under specific conditions. A local road authority may issue such permits as set forth under ORS 818.200. The fee for issuance of a variance permit is $8.00 per power unit, as established under ORS 818.270. For information regarding state highways, contact the
Oregon State Highway Division, Transportation Permit Unit (503) 373-0000.
Operation of vehicles over 8'-10" in height is prohibited on certain portions of River Road South. Other routes may bear posted restrictions not listed herein. Some bridges are restricted to 80,000 pounds or less. Some roads are restricted to ORS limits. Route restrictions are based on road and structure conditions and other safety criteria. Check the restricted red routes on Maps 1 and 2 accompanying all permits issued under this program. The dimensions and weights authorized by this permit are allowed when the operator observes the special terms and conditions of the permit, the rules of the road, and operates in a safe manner as prescribed by the Oregon Vehicle Code (Title 59, ORS).
Permits are issued to the power unit. If the power unit is used in more than one configuration, apply for a permit for the largest dimension or weight which may be used on our road system. A permit is valid for the time specified on the permit, which may be up to one year from the effective date. Extended weight permits are subject to the maximum wheel, axle, group, and overall length allowances of weight tables and ORS limits. Heavy-haul permits over 98,000 pounds are for single trip only. Over height permits are for single trip only with the exception of route specific over height grass seed straw, grass hay or cereal grain straw which may be permitted up to 14' 6".
The following vehicles and combinations of vehicles are required to possess a Marion County Transportation Permit:
SINGLE VEHICLE is over 40' overall length.
TRUCK-TRACTOR/SEMI-TRAILER combination is over 75' overall length, if the semitrailer is over 53' long or if the combination is over 80,000 pounds gross weight.
LOG TRUCK/POLE TRUCK TRAILER combination is over 75' overall length or if the combination is over 80,000 pounds gross weight.
TRUCK/TRAILER combination is over 80,000 pounds gross weight or the combination is over 75' overall length.
TRUCK-TRACTOR/SEMI-TRAILER (DOUBLES) combination is over 75' overall length and/or the combination is over 80,000 pounds gross weight. No vehicle in the combination shall be over 40' in length.
OVERWIDTH/OVERHEIGHT vehicle or combination of vehicles in excess of 8' 6" wide or 14' high.
LEAKING/SIFTING LOAD on any vehicle or combination of vehicles.
A permit may be obtained by
Calling the Marion County Permit Center at (503) 584-7710.
Or, for your convenience, you may use our application,
Marion County Permit Application. You may fax the completed application to (503) 588-5102, or email to, if you plan to use your credit card for payment. Or, the permit application may be mailed to our office at:
Attention: Transportation Permits
5155 Silverton Rd NE
Salem OR 97305