Traffic Safety Diversion
Attend traffic school and pay the presumptive fine and an additional fee.
Marion County Justice Courts offers a traffic school Diversion program. This is a good option if you are concerned about your driving record. There is an additional fee involved, but the violation will not go on your driving record if you complete the program.
Apply for Traffic Safety Diversion
Traffic Safety Diversion Printable Form
To qualify for the Diversion program you must meet the following criteria:
You have been cited for a single moving violation;
You have received no other moving violations or traffic violation charges within the last five years;
You have not participated in another traffic school program anywhere in the past five years;
You have a valid drivers license or permit;
Pay the presumptive fine in full
Must complete the Diversion course within 90 days and provide the court with a Certificate of Completion
Must remain violation free for six months
Must apply for the diversion program on or before the date of your initial court appearance.
You may NOT participate in the traffic school program if you:
If you have a commercial drivers license (CDL);
You received a citation for no insurance;
Your citation indicated that an injury accident was involved;
Your alleged violation is a class A violation.
You received a citation for Unlawful Use of a Mobile Electronic Device.
If you have an out-of-Oregon driver's license you must provide the court with a copy of your driving record at arraignment.
If your request is approved, you will receive information on when and how to attend the traffic school. You will be required to pay the presumptive fine within seven days of being approved for the Diversion program. The typical cost for the class is $50.00.
If you live out of state, call the court clerks for further options at (503) 576-7200.