Zone Codes, Comprehensive Plan and Other Regulations
Marion County's land use regulations are covered in the Zone Code sections of the Marion County Code (MCC), as well as the Comprehensive Plan.
Title 17 Rural Zoning of the MCC provides regulations for development and use of lands in the portions of Marion County outside urban growth boundaries. The primary intent of these regulations is to conserve farm and forest lands for the production of crops, livestock, and timber products. The Rural Zone Code contains chapters covering each rural zone type (Exclusive Farm Use, Acreage Residential, Farm/Timber, etc.). These chapters also include uses allowed, development restrictions, and specific topics such as signs, floodplain regulations, etc.
Title 16 Urban Zoning of the MCC provides regulations for development and use of lands in unincorporated areas of Marion County within urban growth boundaries. The primary intent of these regulations is to coordinate and protect development of these lands for eventual urban use. The Urban Zone Code contains chapters covering each zone type such as Single Family Residential, Urban Transition, and Commercial Retail. These chapters also include uses allowed, development restrictions and specific topics such as signs, off-street parking, landscaping, etc.
Zoning Acronyms - click the link for a list of acronyms and definitions used in our zone codes.
Marion County Comprehensive Plan is a guide to development and conservation of Marion County's land resources. It provides the basis for decisions on the physical, social, and economic development of Marion County. These policies are based on inventories, developmental limitations, projected needs, and the urban growth management strategy. State Land Conservation and Development Commission Goals and Guidelines are factors, as well.
Other County Land Use Regulations and Ordinances
Marion County's Sensitive Groundwater Overlay Program - implements groundwater-related goals and policies.
Marion County's Geologically Hazardous Overlay Zone - evaluates the level of hazard risk for a development, based on surface and subsurface conditions of a site.
Marion County Background & Inventory Report - part of the Comprehensive Plan and serves as a factual source for the development of Marion County land use goals and policies.
Ordinance #1272 - Use of off-road vehicles
Ordinance #1273 - Noise Ordinance
Ordinance #1204 - Home Occupations and Mobile Food Vendors
Ordinance #1230 - Outdoor Mass Gathering Events;
Ordinance #1380 - Allows Renewable Permit
Ordinance #1279 - Backyard Burning
Ordinance #1357 - Backyard Chickens in Urban Growth Boundary Areas
Ordinance #1382 - Accessory dwelling units in urban areas of Marion County
Ordinance #1454 - Urban and Rural Zone Code Amendments Ordinance
Unincorporated Rural Community Plans - In 1994 the Land Conservation and Development established planning and zoning requirements for unincorporated communities. Each county was required to establish rural community plans. For Marion County, these include Brooks, Marion, Mehama, Shaw, etc. Click on the link for more information.