Marion County Planning Commission
What is the Planning Commission all about?
The Planning Commission consists of nine members, each serving a four-year term, representing a balanced geographic distribution and variety of interests. Members are appointed by the County Board of Commissioners.
The Planning Commission meets an average of 6-7 times each year. Meetings are the first and/or third Tuesday of the month; 6:30 p.m., Senator Hearing Room, first floor, 555 Court St. NE, Salem.
The Planning Commission reviews subdivisions, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinances, and assist the Board of Commissioners in developing long-range land use plans for Marion County. Members serve without pay.
Current Members
- George Grabenhorst, Chair
- Gary Monders, Vice Chair
- Dennis Person
- Stanley Birch
- Mike Long
- Rick Massey
- Britany Randall
- Daisy Goebel
- Nick Harville
Submitting Written Testimony or Requesting Information via Email
Any form of communication (mail, fax, email, etc.) for a land use hearing must be received in the Planning Division office by 5:00 p.m. the day prior to the hearing. If you submit written testimony or request information via email the day of a public hearing, make sure you receive confirmation that the email was received. It is possible the county's anti-virus or spam software will block an email or slow delivery. Either request a reply or call our office to confirm at (503) 588-5038. If you have questions or need information on a particular case, call our office and ask to speak to the staff contact for that case.
Appearing Before the Planning Commission
If unable to attend a public hearing, written testimony is accepted.
If you wish to testify or receive the Planning Commission's decision you must complete the "Sign-In Sheet" at the public hearing. When called to speak, come forward to the table, give your name and address, and make your statement. Planning Commission members may ask questions to clarify your comments. If you have written testimony that was not presented to the Planning Division before the hearing, you should sign up to speak and submit it at that time. Briefly explain the main points rather than read your written testimony.
The Planning Commission Chair will conduct the hearing as follows:
Planning staff will present a report and recommendation.
Representatives from other governmental agencies or departments may provide comments.
The applicant or representative will then present testimony in favor of the application.
Citizens in favor of the proposal will be asked to present comments.
Citizens against the proposal will be asked to present comments.
Citizens with general comments will be asked to present comments.
The applicant (or representative) will then be given an opportunity for rebuttal.
Unless the Planning Commission continues the hearing, or leaves the record open for additional written testimony, the public hearing will be closed. No further testimony or comments will be allowed once the hearing is closed.
The Decision-Making Process:
The Planning Commission will review the application, Planning Division file, evidence presented, and testimony given. A decision can be expected at the conclusion of the public hearing, unless the case is continued.
Notice of the decision will be sent to the applicant, persons providing written testimony, and persons listed on the "Sign-In Sheet".
The Planning Commission's decision can be appealed to the Marion County Board of Commissioners. Details of the appeal process are included in the decision or are available from the Planning Division.
The Board of Commissioners will accept or deny an appeal. If an appeal is accepted, a public hearing will be scheduled before the Board of Commissioners, or the Board may refer the case to a Hearings Officer for rehearing.
For information on a case or the Planning Commission, contact the Planning Division at
Meeting Schedule
Day and Time: September 12, 2023 6:30pm
Location: Location: 555 court ST NE, Salem, Senator Hearing Room, 1st Floor, Courthouse Square Building
Case: Subdivision 23-002: SUB23-002
Site Plan
Hearing Notice
Hearing Audio
PC Memo
Day and Time: March 14, 2023 6:30pm
Location: Location: 555 court ST NE, Salem, Senator Hearing Room, 1st Floor, Courthouse Square Building
Case: Subdivision 23-001: SUB23-001
Site Plan
Hearing Notice
Day and Time: August 16, 2022 6:30 PM
Location: Location: 555 court ST NE, Salem, Senator Hearing Room, 1st Floor, Courthouse Square Building
Case: Comprehensive Plan and Zone Amendments: LA22-001
Amendments to Marion County Urban and Rural Zone Code Chapters 16 and 17 to conform to changes in state law, other amendments to uses, clarifying amendments and concurrent amendments to the Marion County Comprehensive Plan.
Compiled Draft Ver 4
Code Amendment PC Staff Report
PC 8.16.2020 Meeting
Day and Time: May 17, 2022 6:30 PM
Location: Location: 555 court ST NE, Salem, Senator Hearing Room, 1st Floor, Courthouse Square Building
Case: Comprehensive Plan and Zone Amendments: LA22-001
Amendments to Marion County Urban and Rural Zone Code Chapters 16 and 17 to conform to changes in state law, other amendments to uses, clarifying amendments and concurrent amendments to the Marion County Comprehensive Plan.
Day and Time: April 12, 2022 6:30 PM
Location: Location: 555 court ST NE, Salem, Senator Hearing Room, 1st Floor, Courthouse Square Building
Case: Comprehensive Plan and Zone Amendments: LA22-001
Amendments to Marion County Urban and Rural Zone Code Chapters 16 and 17 to conform to changes in state law, other amendments to uses, clarifying amendments and concurrent amendments to the Marion County Comprehensive Plan.
Code Amendment Summary
Compiled Draft Ver 2