Monthly Review
Summary and link to land use cases completed each month for the past couple months.
Staff Decisions
March 2025
ADJ25-001 for an adjustment to permit a second driveway for an accessory
dwelling unit in an RS (Single Family Residential) zone located at 4576 46th Ave NE, Salem. APPROVED
P25-006 to partition a 5.00-acre parcel into 2 parcels consisting of 2.50-acres,
and 2.50-acres in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone located at 887 Meadows Ln SE, Jefferson. APPROVED
FP24-008 for a floodplain development permit to place fill, perform grading, construct a lean-to addition to a shop, and replace gate pillars within the 100-year floodplain of the North Fork of the Little Pudding River on a 3.57 acre parcel in the UT-5 (Urban Transition) zone located at 5815 Lake Labish Rd NE, Salem. APPROVED
February 2025
Administrative Review
AR25-001 for an administrative review to replace a dwelling on a 13.01-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 4615 60th Ave NE, Salem. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU-P24-049 for a conditional use permit to operate a seed cleaning facility as a commercial activity in conjunction with farm use on a 2-acre portion of a 97.92-acre parcel and a subsequent partition of said 97.92-acre parcel into two parcels consisting of the 2-acres and 95.92-acres in an EFU zone located in the 13500 Block of Triumph Road SE, Sublimity. APPROVED
CU25-001 for a conditional use permit to operate a reforestation business as a home occupation on a .18-acre parcel in an RS (Single Family Residential) zone located at 3669 Meadow Park Loop NE, Salem. APPROVED
CU25-002 for a conditional use permit to establish a medical hardship dwelling on a 1.33-acre parcel in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone located at 6275 Battle Creek Rd SE, Salem. APPROVED
CU25-003 for a conditional use permit to change the occupant of a temporary medical hardship dwelling on a 7.58-acre parcel in an FT (Farm/Timber) zone located at 17416 Powers Creek Loop NE, Silverton. APPROVED
CU25-004 for a conditional use permit to establish a medical hardship dwelling
on a 1.30-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 7808 Champoeg Rd NE, Saint Paul. APPROVED
CU25-005 for a conditional use permit to operate an automotive dealership on a 0.72-acre parcel in a CG-LU (Commercial General-Limited Use) zone located at 515 S Pacific Hwy, Woodburn. APPROVED
CU25-006 for a conditional use permit to
operate a painting business as a home occupation on a 5-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at
23765 Klupenger Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
CU25-007 for a conditional use permit to establish two aircraft hangers on a 6.20-acre parcel in the P (Public) zone located at 23215 Airport Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
CU25-008 for a conditional use permit to change the occupant of a medical hardship dwelling on a 98-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 6367 Cascade Hwy NE, Silverton. APPROVED
FP25-001 for a floodplain development permit to improve the existing storm
water drainage way within the 100-year floodplain of Mill Creek on a 27.95-acre parcel in the UT-20 (Urban Transition)
zone located at 9164 Golf Club Rd SE, Aumsville. APPROVED
P/ADJ25-001 to to partition a 20-acre lot into three parcels consisting of
15.36, 4.29 and 0.73-acres each and an adjustment to the 80-foot lot dimension standard in a UT-20 (Urban Transition
Zone) zone located at 9474 Golf Club Rd SE, Stayton. APPROVED
P25-002 to partition a 19.43-acre parcel into two parcels consisting of
2.68-acres and 16.85-acres in a UT-20 (Urban Transition Zone) zone located at 9384 Golf Club Rd SE, Stayton. APPROVED
P25-003 to partition a 27.95-acre parcel into two parcels consisting of 5.09-acres and 22.06-acres in a UT-20 (Urban Transition Zone) zone located at 9164 Golf Club Rd SE, Stayton. APPROVED
P-PLA25-005 to adjust the property lines on a 20.05-acre parcel and a 4.43-acre parcel to create a 22.05-acre parcel and a 2.43-acre parcel and to partition a 22.05-acre parcel into two parcels consisting of 17.05 and 5-acres in an AR. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA25-001 for a property line adjustment to
adjust the property lines on a 1.82-acre parcel and a 18.02-acre parcel to create a 2.45-acre parcel and a 17.39-acre parcel
in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 21002 River Rd NE, St Paul. APPROVED
PLA25-002 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 28.38-acre parcel and a 20.45-acre parcel to create a 30.89-acre parcel and a 17.92-acre parcel in a SA (Special Agriculture) zone located at 1780 and 1660 Hidden Hills Ln S, Salem. APPROVED
PLA25-003 for a property line
adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 1.22-acre parcel and a 7.58-acre parcel to create a 7.46-acre parcel and a 1.34-
acre parcel in a CR (Commercial Retail) zone located at 520 and 510 Lancasater Dr NE, Salem. APPROVED
PLA25-004 to adjust the property lines on a 60.25-acre parcel and a 6.89-acre parcel to create a 56.97-acre parcel and a 10.17-acre parcel in a UT-20 Urban Transition) zone located at 1505 Boones Ferry Rd NE, Woodburn. MODIFIED APPLICATION APPROVED
PLA25-005 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 33-acre parcel and a 0.5-acre parcel to create a 31.5-acre parcel and a 2-acre parcel in an Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) zone located at 5963 and 5993 Silverton Rd NE, Salem. APPROVED
PLA25-006 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 1.85-acre parcel and an 8.07-acre parcel to create a 4.0-acre parcel and a 5.92-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 10601 and 10691 Howell Prairie Rd NE, Salem. APPROVED
V25-001 for a variance to reduce the required 20-foot setback to a 14-foot setback on the eastern property line for the dwelling on a 4.01-acre parcel in the Special Agriculture (SA) zone at 6140 State St, Salem. APPROVED
January 2025
Administrative Review
AR24-030 for an administrative review to establish a secondary farm dwelling on a total of 8.62 acres in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 11683 Arndt Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU24-043 to establish a non-farm dwelling on an 8.4-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located in the 14400 block of Union School Road NE, Woodburn. APPROVED
CU24-048 for a conditional use permit to operate an event business as a home occupation on a 21.55-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) Zone located at 10067 Siegmund RD SE, Stayton. APPROVED
FP24-007 for a floodplain development permit to expand an existing campground in the identified 100-year floodplain of the Willamette River on a 128.27-acre tract in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at Champoeg State Park, 8089 Champoeg Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-046 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 0.47-acre parcel and a 1.19-acre parcel to create a 0.35-acre parcel and a 1.31-acre parcel in a UT-3 (Urban Transition) zone located at 257 & 263 Riverwood Dr, Jefferson. APPROVED
December 2024
Administrative Review
AR24-028 for an administrative review to establish a farm stand on a 2.50-acre parcel and a 0.9-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 10730 Portland Rd NE, Salem. APPROVED
AR24-029 for an administrative review to establish
up to two secondary farm dwellings on a total of 49.96 acres in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 12239 Howell
Prairie Rd NE, Gervais. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU24-046 for a conditional use permit to establish a medical hardship dwelling on a 1.75-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 3884 Jefferson Marion Rd SE, Turner. APPROVED
CU24-047 for a conditional use permit to establish a manufacturing and repair service as a home occupation on an 8.85-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 7620 Heron St NE, Salem. APPROVED
P24-016 to partition a 12,619 square-foot parcel into two parcels consisting of 6,308-square feet and 6,311-square feet in a UD (Urban Development) zone located at 4240 45th AVE NE, Salem. APPROVED
PV24-015 to partition a 161.12-acre parcel into two parcels consisting of 80 acres and 81.12-acres and a variance to the minimum parcel size in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 14655 Libby Lane SE, Jefferson. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-044 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 109.0-acre parcel and a 106.0-acre parcel to create a 80.0-acre parcel and a 135.0-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located 19000 Block of Fern Ridge Rd SE, Stayton. APPROVED
PLA24-045 for a property
line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 59.94-acre parcel and a 160.20-acre parcel to create a 215.14-acre parcel
and a 5-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 6770 Windsor Island Road N, Keizer. APPROVED
November 2024
ADJ24-005 for an adjustment to reduce the required 20-foot side yard setback to 17 feet along the eastern property line on a 1.59-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 9655 Ida Ln NE, Aurora. APPROVED
Administrative Review
AR24-025 for an administrative review to replace a dwelling on a 2.65-acre parcel
in an SA (Special Agriculture) zone located in the 7900 block of Marion Rd SE, Turner. APPROVED
AR24-027 for an administrative review to replace a dwelling on a 0.44-
acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 18926 Butteville Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
AR24-026 for and administrative review to replace a dwelling on
a 21.94-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) in the 9300 block of 82nd Ave NE Salem. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU24-028 for a conditional use permit to operate a mulching service as a
commercial activity in conjunction with farm use on a 9.72-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at
5711 Brooklake Rd NE, Salem
CU24-045 for a conditional use permit to establish a
medical hardship dwelling on a 13.34-acre parcel in a SA (Special Agriculture)
zone located at 5329 Riverdale Rd S, Salem. APPROVED
FP24-006 for a floodplain development permit to build a structure in the identified 100-year floodplain of Mill Creek on a 4.57 acre parcel in the IC (Industrial Commercial) zone located at 3840 Boone Rd SE, Salem. APPROVED
P24-013 to partition a 0.33-acre lot into two parcels containing a 5,600 square
foot parcel, and a 8,700 square foot parcel in a RS (Single-Family Residential)
zone located at 4593 Jade St NE, Salem. APPROVED
P24-014 to partition a 6.53-acre parcel into two parcels consisting of 2.24 and 4.30-acres in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone located in the 10800 Block of Sunnyside Rd SE, Jefferson. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-043 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 4.02-acre parcel and a 0.84-acre parcel to create a 2-acre parcel and a 2.86-acre parcel in the AR (Acreage Residential) zone located at 11685 and 11625 Hazelgreen Rd NE, Silverton. APPROVED
PLA24-042 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 2.28-acre parcel and a 323.07-acre parcel to create a 1.81-acre parcel and a 321.47-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 19101 River Road NE, St Paul. APPROVED