Monthly Review
Summary and link to land use cases completed each month for the past couple months.
Staff Decisions
January 2025
Administrative Review
AR24-030 for an administrative review to establish a secondary farm dwelling on a total of 8.62 acres in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 11683 Arndt Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-046 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 0.47-acre parcel and a 1.19-acre parcel to create a 0.35-acre parcel and a 1.31-acre parcel in a UT-3 (Urban Transition) zone located at 257 & 263 Riverwood Dr, Jefferson. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU24-043 to establish a non-farm dwelling on an 8.4-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located in the 14400 block of Union School Road NE, Woodburn. APPROVED
CU24-048 for a conditional use permit to operate an event business as a home occupation on a 21.55-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) Zone located at 10067 Siegmund RD SE, Stayton. APPROVED
December 2024
Administrative Review
AR24-028 for an administrative review to establish a farm stand on a 2.50-acre parcel and a 0.9-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 10730 Portland Rd NE, Salem. APPROVED
AR24-029 for an administrative review to establish
up to two secondary farm dwellings on a total of 49.96 acres in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 12239 Howell
Prairie Rd NE, Gervais. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU24-046 for a conditional use permit to establish a medical hardship dwelling on a 1.75-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 3884 Jefferson Marion Rd SE, Turner. APPROVED
CU24-047 for a conditional use permit to establish a manufacturing and repair service as a home occupation on an 8.85-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 7620 Heron St NE, Salem. APPROVED
P24-016 to partition a 12,619 square-foot parcel into two parcels consisting of 6,308-square feet and 6,311-square feet in a UD (Urban Development) zone located at 4240 45th AVE NE, Salem. APPROVED
PV24-015 to partition a 161.12-acre parcel into two parcels consisting of 80 acres and 81.12-acres and a variance to the minimum parcel size in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 14655 Libby Lane SE, Jefferson. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-044 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 109.0-acre parcel and a 106.0-acre parcel to create a 80.0-acre parcel and a 135.0-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located 19000 Block of Fern Ridge Rd SE, Stayton. APPROVED
PLA24-045 for a property
line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 59.94-acre parcel and a 160.20-acre parcel to create a 215.14-acre parcel
and a 5-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 6770 Windsor Island Road N, Keizer. APPROVED
November 2024
ADJ24-005 for an adjustment to reduce the required 20-foot side yard setback to 17 feet along the eastern property line on a 1.59-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 9655 Ida Ln NE, Aurora. APPROVED
Administrative Review
AR24-025 for an administrative review to replace a dwelling on a 2.65-acre parcel
in an SA (Special Agriculture) zone located in the 7900 block of Marion Rd SE, Turner. APPROVED
AR24-027 for an administrative review to replace a dwelling on a 0.44-
acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 18926 Butteville Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
AR24-026 for and administrative review to replace a dwelling on
a 21.94-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) in the 9300 block of 82nd Ave NE Salem. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU24-028 for a conditional use permit to operate a mulching service as a
commercial activity in conjunction with farm use on a 9.72-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at
5711 Brooklake Rd NE, Salem
CU24-045 for a conditional use permit to establish a
medical hardship dwelling on a 13.34-acre parcel in a SA (Special Agriculture)
zone located at 5329 Riverdale Rd S, Salem. APPROVED
FP24-006 for a floodplain development permit to build a structure in the identified 100-year floodplain of Mill Creek on a 4.57 acre parcel in the IC (Industrial Commercial) zone located at 3840 Boone Rd SE, Salem. APPROVED
P24-013 to partition a 0.33-acre lot into two parcels containing a 5,600 square
foot parcel, and a 8,700 square foot parcel in a RS (Single-Family Residential)
zone located at 4593 Jade St NE, Salem. APPROVED
P24-014 to partition a 6.53-acre parcel into two parcels consisting of 2.24 and 4.30-acres in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone located in the 10800 Block of Sunnyside Rd SE, Jefferson. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-043 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 4.02-acre parcel and a 0.84-acre parcel to create a 2-acre parcel and a 2.86-acre parcel in the AR (Acreage Residential) zone located at 11685 and 11625 Hazelgreen Rd NE, Silverton. APPROVED
PLA24-042 for a property line adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 2.28-acre parcel and a 323.07-acre parcel to create a 1.81-acre parcel and a 321.47-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 19101 River Road NE, St Paul. APPROVED
October 2024
ADJ24-003 for an adjustment to reduce the required 12-foot front yard setback to 5-feet
along the northern property line and the required 14-foot rear yard setback to
5-foot along the southern property line on a 0.16-acre parcel in a RS (Single
Family Residential) zone located at 750 Lancaster Dr SE, Salem. APPROVED
ADJ24-004 for an adjustment to reduce the required 10-foot side yard setback to 8-feet
along the northern property line on a 1.73-acre parcel in an AR (Acreage
Residential) zone located at 9493 Clover Ln SE, Turner. APPROVED
Administrative Review
AR24-022 for an administrative review to place a primary farm dwelling on a
29.68-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located in the 8300
block of Mt Angel Highway NE, Mt. Angel. APPROVED
AR24-023 for an administrative review to place a telemetry communications
facility on a 16.70-acre parcel of land in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone
located at 8692 Humpert LN NE, Mt. Angel. APPROVED
AR24-024 for an administrative review to place a template dwelling on a 19.51-acre
parcel in the TC (Timber Conservation) zone located at 10915 Kubin Rd SE, Lyons. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU24-029 for a conditional use permit to establish a
campground on a 100-acre portion of the Elkhorn Golf Course in a P (Public)
zone located at 32295 North Fork Rd SE, Lyons. APPROVED
CU24-036 for a conditional use permit to change the
occupant of a medical hardship dwelling on a 104.2-acre parcel in an EFU
(Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 1187 Victor Point Road NE, Silverton. APPROVED
P24-010 to partition a 29.99-acre parcel into three parcels consisting of
17.49-acres, 5.00-acres, and 7.51-acres in a UT-5 (Urban Transition) zone
located in the 1000 Block of Oak St, Silverton. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-032 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 40.1-acre parcel and a 93.25-acre parcel to create a
2.0-acre parcel and a 131.26-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone
located at 8954 Hazelgreen Rd NE, Silverton. APPROVED
PLA24-033 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 0.85-acre parcel and a 0.54-acre parcel to create a
0.75-acre parcel and a 0.60-acre parcel in the UT-5 (Urban Transition) zone
located at 17532 & 17534 Dunn Rd NE, Hubbard. APPROVED
PLA24-034 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 1.5-acre parcel and 1.18-acre parcel to create a 1.6-acre
parcel and a 1.08-acre parcel in the AR (Acreage Residential) zone located at
17636 & 17616 Abiqua Rd NE, Silverton. APPROVED
PLA24-035 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 47.40-acre parcel and an 8.04-acre parcel to create a
48.35-acre parcel and a 7.08-acre parcel in the SA (Special Agriculture) zone
located at 2685
Hanneman Ln SE, Turner. APPROVED
PLA24-036 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 14.87-acre parcel and a 13.78-acre parcel to create a 3.3-acre
parcel and a 25.35-acre parcel in the SA (Special Agriculture) zone located at 5393
Aherns Rd SE Salem. APPROVED
PLA24-037 to adjust the property lines on a 79.68-acre parcel,
a 10.77-acre and a 38.90-acre parcel to create a 65-acre parcel a 18-acre
parcel and a 47-acre TC (Timer Conservation) and FT (Farm Timber) zone located
at 18663 Powers Creek Loop. NE, Silverton. APPROVED
PLA24-038 to adjust the property lines on a 1.46-acre
parcel and a 0.96-acre parcel to create a 1.34-acre parcel and a 1.09-acre
parcel in UT-5 (Urban Transition) zone located at 4938 and 4934 Center St NE,
PLA24-039 to adjust the property lines on a 21.56-acre
parcel a 20.38-acre to create a 38.54-acre parcel a 3.40-acre parcel in FT
(Farm/Timber) and TC (Timber Conservation) zone located at 17753 Powers Creek
Loop NE, Silverton. APPROVED
September 2024
Administrative Review
AR24-020 for an administrative review to permit a secondary farm dwelling and a
secondary single-family dwelling on a 51-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm
Use) zone located at 21338 Oak Lane NE, Aurora. APPROVED
AR-V24-021 for an administrative review to expand a waste water treatment facility
and for a variance to build an effluent storage lagoon on a 13.64-acre parcel,
0.38-acre parcel, 3.56-acre parcel, and a 5.35-acre parcel in the EFU
(Exclusive Farm Use) zone located in the 21000 block of Mill Race Ln NE, Aurora. APPROVED
Conditional Use
CU24-027 for a conditional use permit to place a hardship
dwelling on an 14.48-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at
10236 Matthieu Ln NE, Aurora. APPROVED
CU24-029 for a conditional use permit to establish a
campground on a 100-acre portion of the Elkhorn Golf Course in a P (Public)
zone located at 32295 North Fork Rd SE, Lyons. APPROVED
CU24-030 Reliance Estates III LLC for a conditional use
permit to operate an nursing care facility and an adjustment to reduce the
required 20-foot setbacks from all property lines to the standard setbacks for
single family dwellings in the RS zone of 12-feet for the front yard, 5-feet
for the side yards and 14-feet for the rear yard on a 0.17-acre parcel in a Single-family
Residential (RS) zone located at 3961 Camishaun Ct NE, Salem. APPROVED
CU24-031 for a conditional use permit to establish a
medical hardship dwelling on a 2.9-acre parcel in an AR (Acreage Residential)
zone located at 1322 Hylo Rd SE, Salem. APPROVED
CU24-032 for a conditional use permit to change the
occupant of a medical hardship dwelling on a 4-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive
Farm Use) zone located at 13498 Cedarwood Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
CU24-033 for a conditional use permit to establish a
medical hardship dwelling on a 4.8-acre parcel in an TC (Timber Conservation) zone
located at 20788 Hazelnut Ridge Rd NE, Scotts Mills. APPROVED
CU24-034 for a conditional use permit to a machinery and
equipment assembly business on a 1.58-acre parcel in a Community Commercial
zone located at 8186 River RD NE, Salem. APPROVED
P24-011 to partition a 7.29-acre parcel to create two parcels consisting of 5.28-acres
and 2.01-acres in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone located at 16727 Emerald
Green Ln SE, Jefferson. APPROVED
P-V24-012 to partition two parcels of 2.98-acres and 3.39-acres into three parcels
consisting of 2.00-acres, 2.11-acres and 2.35-acres and a variance to allow 5
dwellings to access off a private road in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone
located at 2342 Delaney Rd SE and 7845 Wildberry Ln SE, Salem. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-021 to adjust the property lines on a 79.6 acre
parcel, a 42.69 acre parcel, a 63.89 acre parcel, a 304.72 acre parcel and a
1.0 acre parcel to create a 80.53 acre parcel, a 41.39 acre parcel, a 64.95 acre parcel, a 304.03 acre parcel and a 1.0 acre
parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at: 411 Salmon ST N, 9088 4TH Ave N, 9155 Wheatland RD
NE, 390 Salmon ST N, 8792 Ravena DR N. APPROVED
PLA24-023 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 1.0-acre parcel and a 37.14-acre parcel to create a
1.43-acre parcel and a 36.71-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone
located at 10567 West Stayton RD SE, Turner. APPROVED
PLA24-025 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 7.67-acre parcel and a 7.69-acre parcel to create an
11.37-acre parcel and a 3.99-acre parcel in an SA (Special Agriculture) zone
located at 8733 Redstone Ave SE, Salem. APPROVED
PLA24-026 for a property line
adjustment to adjust the property lines on a 0.97-acre parcel and a 0.84-acre
parcel to create a 1.00-acre parcel and a 0.81-acre parcel in an AR (Acreage
Residential) zone located at 5260 & 5280 Auburn RD NE, Salem. APPROVED
PLA24-027 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 1.98-acre parcel and 3.93-acre parcel to create a 2-acre
parcel and a 3.91-acre parcel in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone located at
7755 Burton Pl SE & 2337 Baloo Ln SE, Salem. APPROVED
PLA24-028 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 1.26-acre parcel and a 0.97-acre parcel to create a
1.88-acre and a 0.35-acre parcel in a RM (Multi-family Residential) zone
located at 4310 & 4330 Monroe Ave NE, Salem. APPROVED
PLA24-029 to adjust the property lines on a 10.48 acre
parcel and an 11.65 acre parcel to create an 18.87 acre parcel and a 3.26 acre
parcel in a FT (Farm Timber) zone located at 17524 South Abiqua Road NE,
Silverton. APPROVED
PLA24-031 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 79.24-acre parcel and a 155.27-acre parcel to create a 117.05-acre
parcel and a 117.46-acre parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at
the 17,000 block of Coon Hollow RD SE, Sublimity. APPROVED
V24-006 for a variance to reduce the required 10-foot
set back to 5 feet on the north-eastern property line for a garage
addition/remodel on a 10.3-acre parcel in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone at 23925
Butteville Rd NE, Aurora. APPROVED
August 2024
ADJ24-001 for an adjustment to reduce the required 20-foot front setback by
12-feet to 8-feet while maintaining the 50-foot special road setback on a
0.54-acre parcel in a CC (Community Commercial) zone located at 5848 Stayton Rd
ADJ24-002 to adjust the density standard to 1.5 dwelling units per 5 acres on a
parcel sized 7.68-acres when the zone was applied in a UT-5 (Urban Transition,
5 acre) located in the 14,400 Block of Evans Valley Road NE, Silverton. APPROVED
Administrative Review
AR24-016 for an administrative review to permit a winery on EFU (Exclusive Farm
Use) zoned land on an 8.47 acre and a 13.43-acre parcel located at 10375
Champoeg RD NE, Aurora. APPROVED
AR24-017 for an administrative review to permit dog training and testing trials on
a 3.93-acre parcel located at 7985 Marion RD SE, Turner. APPROVED
AR24-018 for an administrative review to apply biosolids on a 49.05-acre parcel
in the EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located in the 10000 block of Broadacres
Rd NE, Hubbard. APPROVED
Conditional Uses
CU24-022 for a conditional use permit to change the
occupant of a medical hardship dwelling on a 21.55-acre parcel in an EFU
(Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at 10067 Siegmund Rd SE Stayton. APPROVED
CU24-023 for a conditional use permit to place a medical
hardship dwelling on 1.30-acre parcel in an AR (Acreage Residential) zone located
at 6495 Joseph ST SE, Salem. APPROVED
CU24-024 for a conditional use permit to change the
occupant of a medical hardship dwelling on a 6.13-acre parcel in an AR (Acreage
Residential) zone located at 13495 Duckflat Rd SE, Turner. APPROVED
CU24-025 for a conditional use permit to place a hardship
dwelling on an 18.75-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at
12238 Sublimity Rd SE, Sublimity. APPROVED
CU24-026 for a conditional use permit to establish a
personal-use airport on a 57.3-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone
located in the 11000 block of Silver Falls Hwy SE, Aumsville. APPROVED
FP24-005 for a floodplain development permit to replace an existing concrete
culvert and remove two existing tributary stream crossings in the identified
100-year floodplain of the Santiam River on a 58.85-acre parcel, a 90.86-acre
parcel, and a 154.88-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at
12291 & 12492 Dieckman Ln SE, Aumsville. APPROVED
P24-007 to partition a 1.36-acre parcel into three parcels consisting of
44,983-square feet, 6,032-square feet, and 6,012-square feet in a UD (Urban
Development) zone located at 4382 Hayesville Dr NE, Salem. APPROVED
P24-008 for a partition and property line adjustment to adjust the property
lines on a 11.2-acre parcel and 72.67-acre parcel to create an 8.8-acre parcel
and a 75.07-acre parcel, and under approval granted by ORS 197.352 (Measure
37/49), to partition the 8.8-acre parcel
into three parcels consisting of 2-acre, 2-acres, and 4.8-acres in an EFU
(Exclusive Farm Use) zone located in the 300 block of Matheny Rd NE. APPROVED
P24-009 to partition a 0.41-acre lot into three parcels containing a 5,000 square
foot parcel, a 4,900 square foot parcel and a 7,960 square foot parcel, and to
adjust the rear setback of the existing dwelling from 14 feet to 5 feet in a RS
(Single-Family Residential) zone located at 4273 Munkers St SE Salem. APPROVED
Property Line Adjustment
PLA24-015 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 213.70-acre parcel and a 5-acre parcel to create a
213.70-acre parcel and 5-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located
at 4107 and 4497 Wintercreek
Rd SE, Jefferson OR 97352. APPROVED
PLA24-016 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 41.6-acre parcel, a 0.95-acre parcel and a 1.25-acre parcel
to create a 38.8-acre parcel and 5-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use)
zone located at 7862 Gallon House Rd NE, Silverton. APPROVED
PLA24-017 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 74-acre parcel and a 145-acre parcel and an 1-acre parcel to
create a 123-acre parcel, a 87-acre parcel, and a 10-acre parcel in an EFU
(Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at: 1491
Matheny Rd NE, Gervais. DENIED
PLA24-018 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 166.7-acre parcel and a 526.7-acre parcel to create a 116.5-acre
parcel and a 576.9-acre parcel in an EFU (Exclusive Farm Use) zone located at: 21713 French Prairie Rd NE. St. Paul. APPROVED
PLA24-019 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 7.87-acre parcel and a 4.18-acre parcel to create a 5.87-acre
parcel and a 6.18-acre parcel in the UT-5 (Urban Transition) zone located at 14567
& 14569 Evans Valley Rd NE, Silverton. APPROVED
PLA24-022 for a property line adjustment to adjust the
property lines on a 16.2-acre parcel, a 103.75-acre parcel and a 61.23-acre
parcel to create a 22.33-acre parcel, a 100.04-acre parcel, and a 60.43-acre
parcel in the EFU (Exclusive Farm USE) zone located at 5174 Shannon Rd NE,
Silverton. APPROVED
V24-004 for a variance to reduce the required 26-foot setback to a 16-feet setback on the northern property line for an accessory structure on a 1.89-acre parcel in an Acreage Residential (AR) zone at 5572 70th Ave SE, Salem. APPROVED