If you are a victim of crime and the case is being prosecuted by the District Attorney's Office, you may be eligible for restitution. If you have suffered any direct financial losses (e.g., medical expenses or damaged property) and you want reimbursement from the defendant, please contact Victim Assistance and ask to speak to a restitution specialist. If you would prefer, you may complete a restitution form and submit it directly to a Restitution Specialist.
Restitution Form English
Restitution Form Spanish
If your case is closed and the defendant was ordered to pay restitution to you, you may obtain a copy of the sentencing order from Marion County Court Records to determine the amount of restitution ordered and the timeframe in which the defendant may begin making payments. The phone number for Court Records is (503) 588-5101 and they are located in the County Courthouse at 100 High Street, Salem, OR 97301.
Once restitution is ordered, the defendant will make restitution payments to the Clerk of the Court who will then issue a check to you. If your case has closed and restitution was ordered to be paid to you, please contact Marion County Court Accounting at (503) 588-5601 for information on payments.
If your address changes during the period in which you are to receive restitution payments, please notify the courts. You can do this by mailing the
Restitution Address Change to the address indicated on the form.
IT HAS BEEN OUR EXPERIENCE THAT NOT ALL THE DEFENDANTS PAY AS ORDERED. If you do not receive a payment within ninety (90) days of the order, or if ninety (90) days lapse between payments, you may use one of these forms to report non-payment by mailing it to the address on the form.
For defendants with Bench Probation, use:
Restitution with Bench Probation. If the defendant has bench probation supervised by the courts, this form will serve as notice to the Court.
For defendants with Supervised Probation, use:
Restitution with Supervised Probation. If the defendant is supervised by the corrections department, this notice will go to their probation officer who may notify the Court of the payment status.
If the defendant is sentenced to Oregon Corrections Department, restitution payments will not commence until the defendant is released from prison.
In addition to restitution, you may have the legal right to sue the defendant(s) for punitive losses. The District Attorney’s Office is not allowed to represent individual victims suing defendants. The Oregon State Bar has a toll free referral number if you do not have a lawyer and you desire private legal advice. The number is 1-800-452-7636.