Marion County is home to approximately 31,084 small businesses, defined here as establishments with fewer than 10 employees. Small businesses represent more than 90% of the establishments in the County. To support the County's businesses, the Program works with local business support partners, including chambers of commerce (Salem, Mt. Angel, Stayton/Sublimity, North Santiam, Keizer, Silverton, Woodburn, Jefferson), the Farm Bureau, Latino Business Alliance, SEDCOR, Willamette Workforce Partnership, SBDC, Mid-Willamette Council of Governments (COG), and others. These partnerships determine how Marion County can best provide support for existing and future successful programs, as up to 80% of job growth in any community is generated by the businesses already located there and not by business attraction efforts.
Entrepreneurs on the west coast have several incentives to choose Oregon as a place to launch their small businesses. In light of the rising tax burdens and the challenges posed by wildfires, Marion County can play a pivotal role in fostering a supportive environment for the entrepreneurial ecosystem. By actively supporting local entrepreneurs, the County contributes to the creation and maintenance of diverse job opportunities across various industries.