Comprehensive Download
As of February 1, 2015, the owner's name and mailing address information is not available. The data is updated around the first of each month, except during the October roll certification. Consumers may reference the RDATE Column in the ORCATS999 (New).csv file for the vintage of the data set. Technical support is not provided by Marion County.
Comprehensive Download.zipSales Data
Sales data is updated weekly by an automated process. Microsoft Excel or a compatible program is required to view the data. If you receive a " Server Error" message after clicking one of the links please refresh your browser. You should be prompted to download a file.
The following keys are applicable to 2020 and later sales datasets:
Maintenance Area, Study Area, Neighborhood
Tax Codes
The following keys are applicable to 2019 and earlier sales datasets:
Deed Type (legacy)
MH Park Code (legacy)
Prop Class (legacy)
Prop Code/Stat Class (legacy)
Sale Type (legacy)
Subdivision Numbers (legacy)
Adobe Reader or compatible program is required to view the data.
RMV, AV, M5 Percent Change 5 Year History
Adobe Reader or compatible program is required to view the data.
Summary of Assessments & Levies
Includes tables: 1a, 1b, 2a-c, 3, 4a-f, 5, 6a-c, 7a & Median, 8, 9 & 9a. Adobe Reader & Microsoft Excel or compatible programs are required to view the data.
Changed Property Ratio
The changed property ratio is used to calculate the maximum assessed value of an exception. The assessor calculates the CPR by dividing the average MAV of all unchanged properties in the county and of the same property class by the average real market value of all unchanged properties in the county of the same property class. The county may combine property classes to calculate a CPR if there is not enough unchanged property in a given class to arrive at an accurate ratio. See OAR 150-308.156.
The RMV of the exception is then multiplied by the CPR to calculate the MAV for the exception. The purpose of multiplying the RMV of the exception by the CPR is to bring the MAV of new (changed) property to the same general assessment level as unchanged property.
Minor Construction Example:
Minor Construction is an improvement to either land or buildings that has an RMV of $10,000 or less in any single assessment year, or an accumulation of $25,000 or less for 5 assessment years. Minor construction cannot be added to the assessment roll unless the cumulative value of all major and minor construction exceeds $25,000 during a 5 year period. If the $25,000 limit is exceeded, the value of the construction is multiplied by the current year CPR and added to any existing MAV. The assessor is required to track minor construction from year to year to determine if the $25,000 threshold has been exceeded or if 5 years have passed since the minor construction occurred.
Tax Rate By City
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Tax Collection Summaries
Summaries are updated on an annual basis, usually during the beginning of the 3rd quarter. Adobe Reader or compatible software is required to view the documents.
Tax Distribution Percentage Summaries
Summaries are updated on an annual basis, usually during the end of the 4th quarter. Adobe Reader or compatible software is required to view the documents.
Year End Turnover Distribution Report
Updated on an annual basis, usually during the beginning of the 3rd quarter. Adobe Reader or compatible software is required to view the documents.
Tax Foreclosure
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Auction Information & Property Details
Foreclosure ListingGASB 77 Tax Abatement Information
Report is published by Marion County Finance. Data for the report is provided by The Marion County Assessor's Office. Microsoft Excel or compatible program is required to view the data.
GASB 77 Tax Abatement Information