Salem-Keizer Recycling & Transfer Station
3250 Deer Park Dr. SE
Salem, OR 97317
Phone: (503) 588-5169
Operating Hours
7 days/week
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(except for these holidays).
Map & directions
Alternative Disposal Locations:
North Marion Recycling & Transfer Station
17827 Whitney Lane NE, Woodburn, OR 97071
Learn More
Tip Loads (except yard debris):
Marion Resource Recovery Facility 
3690 Brooklake Rd NE, Salem, OR 97303
Open 7am – 3:30pm, Mon-Sat
Learn More
Example of a Tip Trailer or Tip Load
Utilize your curbside blue bin for your regular recycling needs. If you have a question on what you can recycle or where you can dispose of an item, check out
this resource from the Mid-Valley Garbage & Recycling Association.
Yard Debris:
- Highway Fuel: 6242 Portland Rd. NE, Salem, OR 97305
- Bark Boys: 2840 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, OR 97301
- NW Greenlands: 8712 Aumsville Hwy. SE, Aumsville, OR 97325
Check with your local landscaping supply store for other yard waste disposal opportunities.
PaintCare has an up-to-date database of disposal facilities for unwanted paint.
their website to find a location near you.
Materials accepted at this site for a fee:
- Residential and commercial garbage
- Compostable yard waste
- Tires
- Appliances
Recycling and Disposal - Information and Fees:
- Car Batteries (place in lead-acid/car battery container)
- Mixed paper and cardboard
- Clear and colored glass bottles & jars - no dishes!
- Electronics:
- Computers, televisions, monitors and laptops are accepted for free (up to seven of these items per customer per day for free drop-off). Customers with more than 7 of these items may contact an electronics recycler such as Garten Services (503-581-4472).
- Televisions (including console TV sets), photocopy machines, microwaves, computers and peripherals (including cables, wires, mainframes, mice, circuit boards, power supplies, keyboards, printers, etc.), stereos, VCR/DVD players, portable music devices, cameras, video cameras, printers, laptops, projectors, telephones, PDA's & GPS units are accepted for free.
- Oregon's 2007 Electronics Recycling Law prohibits any person from disposing of computers, monitors and televisions .
- Plastics: bottles and jugs
- Household batteries (accepted separately from vehicle batteries)
- Metals (most items that are at least 90% metal)
- Used vegetable cooking oil - Maximum 5 gallon container size (no maximum on number of containers).
- Used motor oil - Residential drop-off only. Limit to 5 gallons per visit.
- Bicycles and scooters
- Fluorescent tubes and bulbs (limit of 10 per customer/day); accepted 7 days / week
Garbage: $107.45 per ton
- Minimum charge: $25.00 ($.053725/lb after 460 lbs.)
Appliances without Refrigerant: $5.00 each
Appliances with Refrigerant: $25.00 each
Marion County MUST have all appliances that were designed to contain refrigerant (whether or not they currently contain refrigerant) assessed by a professional who will remove any refrigerant and provide DEQ with required documentation. This is due to the EPA Clean Air Act and must be done before the appliance can be sent off for recycling. For this reason, we charge $25.00 for appliances that were designed to contain refrigerant. Removing refrigerant yourself is dangerous to the environment and your health, is against EPA regulations, and you will still be charged the $25.00 fee.
Clean Yard Waste Only: $59.49 per ton
- Minimum charge: $15.00 ($.0297/lb after 500 lbs. )
Does not accept large timbers (6"x6"x4' or larger), stumps (larger than 6" in diameter at 24" above the soil line) or dirt.
- Small tire (less than 20" rim) - $5.00
- Small tire on rim - $10.00
*(Small tires greater than 12"width are charged a medium tire fee. Bicycle, go-cart, lawnmower, wheelbarrow, and motorcycle tires will be charged a garbage fee.) - Medium tire (20-26" rim) - $10.00
- Medium tire on rim - $20
*No tires greater than 26" rim accepted
Payment Options
Customers may pay with cash, personal checks, debit or credit cards including Master Card and Visa. Please note that you will be required to show photo ID for checks and card payments. Marion County no longer accepts American Express or Discover credit cards.
- Explosives
- Pathological and biological waste
- Radioactive materials
- Sewage sludge
- Animal remains greater than 60 pounds
- Manure
- Cesspool and other human waste
- Syringes, needles and sharps
- Liquid waste
- Containers of oil
- Railroad ties and telephone poles or other creosote treated wood
- Closed barrels, tanks, or containers
- Barrels, drums, or containers marked: Flammable, Dangerous, Poison, Corrosive, Oxidizer, Non-Flammable Gas, Explosives, or Radioactive
- Pressure treated wood and painted wood are accepted as garbage. Creosote wood not accepted.
- Unbagged Insulation that is in pieces 1 square foot or less. Please tape bags shut.
Disposal of household hazardous waste is prohibited at the transfer stations in the paid disposal or the recycling areas. Appropriate disposal is available at our Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (located separately at the Salem-Keizer Transfer Station). The Household Hazardous Waste Facility offers free disposal for household quantities of hazardous waste. Containers are not to exceed 5 gallons.
Businesses must schedule an appointment at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
Household Hazardous Waste
Marion County's Household Hazardous Waste Facility is located at the Salem-Keizer Recycling & Transfer Station (3250 Deer Park Dr - first building on the left). This facility offers free disposal for household quantities of hazardous waste. Containers should not exceed five gallons.
Click here for more information on disposing of household hazardous waste and their hours.
Unrestrained Loads
All unrestrained loads will be charged an additional $10.00 fee. Fees double for each repeated occurrence.
An unrestrained load is defined as any load that can drop, sift, leak, blow, or otherwise escape from the transporting vehicle. Trash in closed plastic bags below the sidewalls is acceptable. If bags are above sidewalls, they must be restrained with a rope, net, or tarp. Tailgates shall be used.
Wondering how to recycle or dispose of something not on this list?
Check out our searchable database! For specific disposal requirements, call (503) 588-5169.
Transfer stations in Marion County are for public use. Garbage brought here is transported to the Marion Resource Recovery Facility in Brooks and is sorted for recoverable material. After recoverable materials are removed, garbage is sent to a landfill.