Building Permit and Septic Fees for rebuilding after the September 2020 wildfires are being waived based on the size of the structure previously on the property. These waivers are in effect from September 8, 2020 to September 8, 2025.
All applications for rebuilding after the September 2020 wildfires received through September 8, 2025 can be considered for the fee waiver. Be sure to consider this date when making your application.
Please let us know if you have questions.
Important wildfire recovery information for people with homes and property in areas affected by the wildfires:
Information Packet for Rebuilding after the Fires
Wildfire Recovery Residential Septic Grants
This program is a collaboration between Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments (MWVCOG) and Marion County Building Inspection. Grants are available to reimburse property owners for completed work repairing or replacing residential septic systems performed due to the 2020 Beachie Creek and Lionshead Fires. Grants will be available until total funding is allocated. There are limited funds remaining in the program. Marion County is implementing the grant program with funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) by way of Business Oregon. MWVCOG funding is provided through Oregon DEQ from ARPA.
Property owners with septic systems that have paid for system improvements, repairs, or replacement after the 2020 wildfires. All services that were associated with requirements outlined in a septic permit or by an authorization notice are eligible. All the work must be completed at the time of application with a Certificate of Satisfactory Completion or Authorization Approval for the system.
Septic Grant Application Fillable Form
For questions please contact Marion County Building Inspection by phone: (503) 588-5147 or email us at:
Fire Hardening Grant Program
Fire hardening describes steps that can be taken to make a home or business more resistant to damage from a wildfire, such as using materials for siding and/or roofing that resist ignition during a wildfire, installing fire resistant windows to protect openings, or using attic ventilation devices that help reduce ember intrusion. Fire hardening makes the community more resistant to the spread of wildfire. By slowing down a fire, it may create additional time and opportunity for emergency responders to protect life and property threatened by the fire.
If your home or business was lost or damaged in a wildfire during the year 2020, you may be eligible to receive more than $6,000 in grant money for fire hardening your home or business. Learn more about the Fire Hardening Grant Program.
Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive
The Oregon Legislature allocated $10.8 million to Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) to provide funding to incentivize energy-efficient rebuilding efforts. Building owners can receive incentives to rebuild to current building code or above code – incorporating these energy efficiency improvements help make buildings more comfortable and support long-term affordability through lower energy bills. Learn more and apply for the Energy Efficient Wildfire Rebuilding Incentive.
County Building Inspection
Building Inspection Division reviews new construction and remodeling plans in unincorporated areas of the county and for cities that do not have building inspection programs.
The division also contracts with Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality to administer the Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Program within Marion County.
Quick Links
Research online records
Design and Code Information
Schedule an Inspection Online
Onsite Septic Disposal Program Online
Find Us
Office Location:
5155 Silverton Road NE
Salem, OR 97305
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Note: No new applications started or no picking up of permits with balance due after 4:30 p.m.
Get Directions
Oregon ePermitting Info
Oregon ePermitting Scheduling: 1-888-299-2821 (automated inspection scheduling)
Oregon ePermitting Website: Check permit status online and general information for individual permits applied for after Feb. 1995.
General Information
Applications & Forms, Handouts & Checklists
ePermitting Inspection Codes and Instructions
Septic Information & Forms
Call Before You Dig
Staff Directory
Important Information
Design and Code Information
State Building Codes Online
Schedule an Inspection Online
Save a trip - purchase permits online or via fax
Research online records - Please note not all records are available; we are continually working to increase the number of records available.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS):
Do I need a structural (building) permit?
What is a zoning review?
Do I need an electrical permit?
Do I need a mechanical permit?
Do I need a plumbing permit?
What do I need for a septic permit?
When are structural (building) permits required for work on Commercial, Industrial and/or multi-family structures?
Informational Links
Asbestos: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Asbestos Program
Building Codes Division (BCD): Information regarding building codes and the interpretation of certain code sections.
Construction Contractors Board (CCB): Check on a contractor's license. The CCB has an excellent website with links to numerous publications for consumers.
Health Hazards: Link to helpful information from CCB regarding health hazards.
Lead Paint:
EPA Publication - Steps to Lead Safe Renovation, Repair and Painting
Lead Paint:
EPA Publication - The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right
Pipeline Magazine: News and information related to onsite septic systems.
Permits Protect : Serves as a central resource for answering permitting questions and gathering valuable information from a range of sources in one location.