Aumsville Wetlands Plant Species
Plant Species List for Aumsville Site for Environmental Studies
The following species list was compiled by members of the Life Science faculty at Chemeketa Community College and the Native Plant Society of Oregon. All plants were identified on a field trip to the site on May 31, 1997. Species are categorized by families which are listed alphabetically. The list should be considered a work in progress and will be updated on future visits.
Wetland Indicator Status Categories
OBL - Obligate Wetland - >99% probability of occurrence in wetlands
FACW - Facultative Wetland - 67-99% probability
FAC - Facultative - 34-66% probability
FACU - Facultative Upland - 1-33% probability
(based on National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands - Reed,1988)
* plants not native to Oregon
Aceraceae | | |
Acer circinatum | Vine maple | |
Acer macrophyllum | Big-leaf maple | |
| | |
Anacardiaceae | | |
Rhus diversiloba | Poison oak | |
| | |
Apiaceae | | |
Heracleum lanatum | Cow parsnip | FAC+ |
| | |
Aralaceae | | |
*Hedera helix | English ivy | |
| | |
Betulaceae | | |
Alnus rubra | Red alder | FAC |
| | |
Boraginaceae | | |
Myosotis laxa | Small-flowered forget-me-not | OBL |
| | |
Caprifoliaceae | | |
Symphoricarpos albus | Snowberry | FACU |
| | |
Ceratophyllaceae | | |
Ceratophyllum demersum | Coontail | OBL |
| | |
Compositae | | |
Tanacetum sp | Tansy | |
Senecio jacobaea | Tansy ragwort | |
*Chrysanthemum leucanthemum | Oxeye daisy | |
*Lactuca muralis | Wall lettuce | |
*Crepis capillaris | Smooth hawksbeard | FACU |
| | |
Convovulaceae | | |
Convovulus arvensis | Field bindweed | |
| | |
Cornaceae | | |
Cornus sericea | Creek dogwood | FACW |
Cyperaceae | | |
Eleocharis palustris | Creeping spike-rush | OBL |
| | |
Dipsacaceae | | |
Dipsacus sylvestris | Teasel | FAC |
| | |
Equisetaceae | | |
Equisetum arvense | Common horsetail | FAC |
| | |
Ericaceae | | |
Gaultheria shallon | Salal | |
| | |
Fagaceae | | |
Quercus garryana | Garry oak | |
| | |
Hydrocharitaceae | | |
Elodea canadensis | Canadian waterweed | OBL |
| | |
Hypericaceae | | |
Hypericum sp. | St. Johnswort | |
| | |
Iridaceae | | |
* Iris pseodoacorus | Yellow waterflag | OBL |
| | |
Juncaceae | | |
Juncus effusus | Soft rush/Common rush | FACW |
| | |
Leguminosae | | |
*Cytisus scoparius | Scotch broom | |
*Trifolium pratense | Red clover | |
Vicia sp. | Vetch | |
*Lotus corniculatus | Bird's foot trefoil | FAC |
| | |
Lemnaceae | | |
Lemna minor (?) | Common duckweed | OBL |
Wolfia borealis (?) | Dotted watermeal | OBL |
| | |
Liliaceae | | |
Mianthumum dilatatum | False lily-of-the-valley | |
Camassia quamash | Common camas | |
Trillium ovatum | Western trillium | |
Streptopus amplexifolius (?) | Clasping twistedstalk | |
| | |
Malvaceae | | |
Sidalcea sp. (2 - Diana) | Meadow sidalcea(?) | |
| | |
Oleaceae | | |
Fraxinus latifolia | Oregon ash | FACW |
| | |
Onagraceae | | |
Circaea alpina | Enchanter's nightshade | |
Epilobium angustifolium (?) | Fireweed | |
| | |
Poaceae | | |
*Holcus lanatus | Velvet grass | FAC |
*Phalaris arundinacea | Reed canary-grass | FACW |
*Dactylis glomerata | Orchard grass | |
| | |
Pinaceae | | |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | Douglas fir | |
| | |
Polygonaceae | | |
*Rumex crispus | Curled dock | |
| | |
Polypodiaceae | | |
Athyrium filix-femina | Lady fern | |
Polystichum munitum | Sword fern | |
Pteridium aquilinum | Bracken fern | |
| | |
Portulacaceae | | |
Montia sibirica | Candy flower | FAC |
| | |
Ranunculaceae | | |
Ranunculus repens | Creeping buttercup | |
Thalictrum occidentale | Western meadowrue | |
| | |
Rhamnaceae | | |
Rhamnus purshiana | Cascara | |
| | |
Roseaceae | | |
Physocarpus capitatus | Pacific ninebark | FACW |
* Crataegus monogyna OR Crataegus douglasii | English hawthorn
Black hawthorn | |
*Rubus discolor | Himalayan blackberry | |
Rubus parviflorus | Thimbleberry | |
Rubus ursinus | Pacific blackberry | |
Spiraea douglasii | Douglas' spirea | FACW |
| | |
Salicaceae | | |
Populus balsamifera | Black cottonwood | FAC |
Salix spp. | Willow species | FACW/FAC |
| | |
Saxifragaceae | | |
Tellima grandiflora | Fringecup | |
| | |
Scrophulariaceae | | |
Veronica americana | Common speedwell | OBL |
Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove | |
| | |
Solanaceae | | |
*Solanum dulcamara | European bittersweet | |
| | |
Sparganiaceae | | |
Sparganium emersum | Simple-stem bur-reed | OBL |
| | |
Umbelliferae | | |
Heracleum lanatum | Cow parsnip | FAC+ |
| | |
Urticaceae | | |
Urtica dioica | Stinging nettle | |
| | |
Check Families | | |
Vancouveria hexandra | Inside-out flower | |
Lonicera involucrata | Black twinberry | |
Sambucus racemosa | Red elderberry | |
Holodiscus discolor | Oceanspray | |
Galium aparine | Cleavers | |
Trientalis latifolia | Western starflower | |
Rumex crispus | Curled dock | |
Plantago major | Common plantain Holly | |
Oemleria cerasiformis | Indian plum | FACU |
Sorbus sp. | Mountain ash (?) | |
Sambucus racemosa | Elderberry | |
Ribes sanguineum | Red-flowering currant | |
Lonicera involucrata | Black twinberry | FAC |