Aggregate: another name for rock used on gravel roads or in making Asphalt Concrete
Asphalt Concrete: a mix of different aggregate and asphalt oil used to pave hard surface roads
Berm or "Berming": same as Side Berm, the grading activity where the rock is moved to the side of the road
Compactor: a roller used to firm up or compact the road surface or sub-base
County Road: roads that are maintained by the County using county road funds
Cross or Side Grade: the cross slope of the road shaped to allow drainage of water to the edge
Dust Abatement: various products applied to roads to bond the dust, sand or smaller rock
FAQs or Frequent Asked Questions: questions that are asked repeatedly
Graded: a road that a motor-grader has smoothed and reshaped
Grader Roller: a roller or compactor attached to the motor-grader used to firm up or compact the road surface
Gravel Road: for the Marion County road system, a road that is not paved or doesn't have a hard surface
Illicit Dumping: illegal dumping of trash and debris, often occurring on roadways
Lignin: a product the county allows suppliers to apply on the roads which aids dust control and soil stabilization – sometimes spelled "lignon"
Lignin Contractor: for this program, a private contractor who has obtained an annual permit to apply lignin or soil stabilizer products for local citizens
Local Access Road: roads within the county that are not maintained by the county –
Motor-grader: a piece of construction equipment that has a long, adjustable grading blade
Non-County Road (NCR): see Local Access Road
Pot Hole: for gravel roads, a surface failure or distress where there is a depression in the road surface
Public Works Dispatch: staff that receives readily receives phone, web an e-mail communications that relays them to department supervisors and staff
Recycled Asphalt Grindings: derived from repairing paved roads, old asphalt is crushed or milled into smaller products that can be reused in road building or gravel road maintenance
Right-of-way: for roads and bridges, a strip of land given to the public to maintain the road or bridge
Rutting: a surface failure or distress where long, deep depressions are made on the road surface which becomes difficult for vehicle tires to escape
Side Berm: the grading activity of moving rock to the side of the road
Soil Stabilizer: similar to lignin, various products used in road building to enhance the structure of the road base
Sub-base: the larger rock base under the top surface
Super: usually the cross slope adjustment used in shaping the road safety, general used in curves
Switchback: usually refers to roads which change direction as they climb a hill
Vegetation Clearance: for county roads, usually refers to the limits of removing roadside vegetation for safety
Washboarding: a gravel road surface failure or distress where repeated tire spinning cause a series of holes that feels like crossing an old fashioned laundry washboard