After resurfacing roadways in Marion County, mailboxes may need to be adjusted to accommodate mail operations. The recommended mailbox height is 41" to 45" from the roadway surface to the bottom of the mailbox. If your mailbox is on one of the roads listed on the back of the construction notice and you believe that raising the roadway will take your mailbox out of this range, you can either make the adjustments yourself or coordinate in advance for the County to complete the work at no cost.
If your mailbox needs adjustment and you have elected to have the County do this work, the post will be replaced with an ODOT-approved 2" diameter thin-walled steel post. This requirement applies to both single- and multiple-mailbox supports (the multiple-mailbox support resembles an inverted coat hanger). When newspaper boxes are present, they will be relocated to the new support, unless you tell us you no longer need the newspaper box. In some situations, the mailbox itself must also be replaced. This will also be done according to ODOT engineering standards.