Septic Repair or Alteration Permit Forms
Septic Alteration Permit Application and Instructions- how to apply for a permit, application, and items needed to submit with the application
Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) - required for properties in urban growth boundaries, the UT (Urban Transition) Zone, and inside city limit
Site Plan Requirements and Example - required as part of the Septic Repair or Alteration permit application (includes an Example of a completed Site Plan)
Test Pits - requirements and diagram
Materials List - must list all proposed construction material and provide product spec sheet.
Existing Systems Evaluation Report - (Replaces Pumper Form) required when combined with an Authorization permit and keeping the existing tank
Application for Onsite Wastewater Treatment System New Fees 8/1/2024 - the application form for a Septic Repair or Alteration permit; includes fee information