In addition to completing New Volunteer Orientation, volunteers who serve on a Marion County advisory board are asked to view the Advisory Board Orientation training.
Instructions for volunteers who currently sit on a Marion County board: Once complete, submit your Confirmation to the Volunteer Services Coordinator. Visit the Resources tab below for more resources, including the Advisory Board Handbook.
Current Recruitments
Marion County Advisory Boards Upd Aug 2024.pdf (list of all Marion County's boards, committees and commissions). If you prefer a printable application please use Advisory Board Application.pdf.
Marion County leaders rely on community members to inform their decisions and policymaking. One way to provide input is to join a Marion County advisory board. Eligibility requirements vary by board, but generally applicants must work or live in Marion County to be considered for appointment to any advisory board. Boards currently recruiting for new members include:
Fair Board
Do you love the County Fair? Are you passionate about Marion County’s economy, culture and heritage? Join the dedicated team that organizes and manages the county fair! Fair Board members and Key Volunteer work together, with partners, and with staff to bring the annual Marion County Fair to life. Both Fair Board and Key Volunteers are appointed by the Board of Commissioners for serve three-year terms, attend monthly meetings in Salem, and are present at the fair which is held the second weekend of July. We are currently looking for community members interested in serving as a Key Volunteer to the Fair Board.
To be considered for an appointed position of Key Volunteer on the Marion County Fair Board submit your Advisory Board Application. Find out more about the Marion County Fair or contact Denise Clark at with questions.
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee
The Marion County Board of Commissioners and Health and Human Services Department are accepting applications to serve on the Marion County Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee (IDDAC).
The IDDAC supports the effective development and operations of the IDD services in Marion County. Committee members have unique knowledge, expertise, or personal experience around intellectual developmental disabilities needs and services. Community members are invited to apply for the following represented positions on the IDDAC: *Service provider *Advocate *Community partner *Client or family of a client. To be considered for the IDDAC, submit your Advisory Board Application.
Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee
Are you interested in improving our community's health through board leadership? The Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee (LADPC) makes recommendations to the Marion County Board of Commissioners related to alcohol and substance abuse programs in Marion County, helping to identify needs and establishing priorities for local services. The committee addresses education, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation, law enforcement, criminal justice and law reform. Members are appointed to 4 year terms, and will meet at least 10 times in a calendar year. To be considered for an appointed position of on the LADPC submit your Advisory Board Application and LADPC
LADPC Supplemental Questionnaire 2025.docx to
Marion Water Quality Advisory Committee
Marion County Public Works, Environmental Services Division, is accepting applications for community members interested in at-large positions on the Marion County Water Quality Advisory Committee (MWQAC). At-large positions represent the general public's interests, and along with other members, provide direction and recommendations regarding stormwater, water quality, education & outreach, regulations, and county programs. MWQAC members are appointed by the Board of Commissioners to four-year terms. The MWQAC meets every other month in Salem. Find out more about the MWQAC and their work
here. Submit your Advisory Board Application to be considered for a position on the MWQAC.
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Marion County is seeking individuals who are interested in improving our community's health through board leadership. Mental Health Advisory Committee (MHAC) members will have unique knowledge, expertise, or personal experience in the area of community behavioral health program needs and services. Members are appointed to 4 year terms, and will meet at least 10 times in a calendar year. To be considered for an appointed position of on the MHAC submit your Advisory Board Application and
MHAC Supplemental Questionnaire 2025.docx to
Parks Commission
Marion County is recruiting for three open positions on the Parks Commission. Do you have an interest in ensuring county parks are designed, utilized and maintained to fit the needs of our community? Consider joining the Marion County Parks Commission. The Commission meets on the 3rd Thursday of every other month. Members must be 18 years of age, and are appointed to 4-year terms. The Parks Commission advise on land acquisition, development, operation and maintenance of the system of Marion County parks - which includes 17 developed, and 3 undeveloped parks. Find more information about Marion County Parks Commission
here. Submit your Advisory Board Application to be considered for a position on the Parks Commission.
Solid Waste Management Advisory Council
We are accepting applications to fill three citizen-at-large positions and one Chamber of Commerce position on the Solid Waste Management Advisory Council (SWMAC). Individuals affiliated with a local Chamber of Commerce, either as a member or staff, will be eligible for appointment to the chamber position. At-large positions represent the general public's interests, and our ideal applicant has a strong commitment to environmental responsibility that is tempered with environmental practicality. SWMAC is a sixteen-member advisory council that makes recommendations on waste reduction and disposal policy issues. Members must be 18 years of age, and are appointed to 4-year terms. The council meets once a month to develop, review and recommend plans to support an integrated, financially sound waste management system which protects public health and the environment. To be considered for a position on SWMAC please submit an Advisory Board Application to
The Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC), established by vote of the people in 1974, is a seven-member citizen commission charged with enforcing government (ethics) laws. Since volunteer advisory committees are considered public bodies under Oregon law and members are considered public officials, government ethics laws apply to persons serving on public bodies. Formerly, the agency was known as the Oregon Government Standards and Practices Commission.
Public Official: Any person serving the State of Oregon or any local government or public body as an elected official, appointed official, employee, agent, volunteer or otherwise, whether or not the person is paid for the services.
1. No Favoritism
-Treat all customers and clients equally.
-No special favors for friends or family
2. No Special Privileges Because of Your Official Position
-Follow the same rules that apply to everyone, no preferential treatment
-Cannot use position to obtain an extra financial gain or avoid a loss
3. Follow Confidentiality Rules and Laws
Know which information you handle is confidential by law
Do not disclose confidential information without an authorization
Do not "tip off" anyone with confidential information
4. No Profiting from County Business Either Directly or on the Side
-Applies to you, your relatives, members of household or your businesses
-No directing county business to where you have a financial interest
-No soliciting private clients or work through your county position
5. No Outside Work that Conflicts or Interferes with Your Job
Avoid conflicts of interest with county position and duties
Includes interference with attendance and ability to do county job
6. State Law Limits on Accepting Gifts
-Applies only if you have a recommendation or decision-making authority over the source
-Gift limit is $50 per person per year from source with a county interest
-Limits on gifts of entertainment of $50 per person per year from one source
-Some exceptions for food, beverages, small awards; check before accepting
7. No Personal Use of County Property
-Do not borrow or take property or supplies for personal or non-county use
-Exception: Marion County’s Computer Policy allows limited personal use
-Do not use county property for personal gain or outside business
8. Report Violations to Supervisor, Department Head or County Management
-Violations include improper use or theft of county property
-Duty to report false claims, Medicaid fraud and abuse per federal law
Oregon Government Ethics Law - A Guide for Public Officials
Oregon Government Ethics Law - Supplemental Guide 2011-15 Legislative Updates
Meeting Management
Ground Rules:
Every group should establish ground rules on how meetings will run, how members will interact and what kind of behavior is acceptable. Because each group member is an individual, each has a different way of accomplishing tasks. At times these different ways can cause friction between members and slow down the process of the group as a whole.
Each member is expected to respect these rules, which usually prevents misunderstandings and disagreements. Three to five ground rules are sufficient for most groups. Some of the more important ground rules include:
• Attendance: groups should place a high priority on meetings, talk about what would be legitimate reasons for missing a meeting, and establish a procedure for informing the group leader of a member’s absence from a scheduled meeting.
• Promptness: meetings should start and end on time.
• Meeting place and time: specify a regular meeting time and place, and establish a procedure for notifying members of meetings.
• Participation: everyone’s viewpoint is valuable. Every team member can make a unique contribution; therefore, emphasize the importance of both speaking freely and listening attentively.
• Basic conversational courtesies: listen attentively and respectfully to others, do not interrupt, one conversation at a time, and so forth.
• Interruptions: decide when interruptions will be tolerated and when they will not.
• Other norms or ground rules that can be decided ahead of time by the group such as acceptable language, humor, jargon, etc.
Agenda Development:
An agenda is developed for each meeting. The agenda should further the work of the board while supporting the mission and directives. The agenda provides a forum in which to address issues and accumulate information to assist the board with its work. A balanced agenda should include both action items and discussion items to keep members involved.
Work Plan:
One of the best ways to ensure an advisory board is effective is through the use of a work plan. The plan specifies goals for the board, strategies to meet the goals and timelines for completion of the goals. The goals of the board should be closely aligned with goals of the department.
A work plan should specify the operational goals of the board for the year. A well-developed work plan can be used by each board member and relevant staff members as a reference for completing his or her portion of the organization's strategic plan.
Public Meeting Law
"Oregon Public Meetings and Public Records Law were enacted by the Oregon legislature in 1973. These laws underscore the state's policy that the public is entitled to know how the public's business is conducted. Thus the written record of the conduct of the public's business is, with some important exceptions, available to any citizen. Similarly, the deliberations and decisions by public bodies are, for the most part, open to attendance by any interested person."
Attorney General's Public Records and Meetings Manual, January, 2004.
Protecting the Public's Right to Know - A Quick Reference Guide to Oregon's Public Meetings Law
Public Records Law
"Oregon Public Meetings and Public Records Law were enacted by the Oregon legislature in 1973. These laws underscore the state's policy that the public is entitled to know how the public's business is conducted. Thus the written record of the conduct of the public's business is, with some important exceptions, available to any citizen. Similarly, the deliberations and decisions by public bodies are, for the most part, open to attendance by any interested person."
Attorney General's Public Records and Meetings Manual, January, 2004.
Protecting the Public's Right to Know - A Quick Reference Guide to Oregon's Public Records Law
Resources for New/Current Advisory Board Members
It is important that advisory board members are well-informed of meeting schedules, their responsibilities as a board member, and the expectations for their behavior and contribution.
All Advisory Board Members should be familiar with/receive information on the following:
Adv Board Handbook May 2022.pdf
Your advisory board's bylaws
The group's ground rules & decision-making process (if applicable)
Background information on the history of the advisory board and its current work
Responsibilities as a public official
Expectations for meeting participation and attendance