Mid-Willamette Valley Cable Regulatory Commission
About the Commission
The Mid-Willamette Valley Cable Regulatory Commission is a joint working committee between Marion County and the City of Salem, with the intent to construct, operate and maintain a unified cable communication system to provide public, educational and government access to the cable system. The commission has representatives from both the city and county, and serves as an advisory body to the two jurisdictions on matters relating to cable communications.
Meeting Notice
The Mid-Willamette Valley Cable Regulatory Commission will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, December 4, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.
The meeting is open to the public, who are welcome to attend. Anyone interested in attending should send notice to Perry Grier at pgrier@co.marion.or.us no later than noon December 3, 2024 to receive the Teams link for the meeting. Visit our website to view the full agenda at http://www.co.marion.or.us/FIN/cable/Pages/default.aspx
For more information contact Jeff White, Cable Officer at (503) 566-4100 or cable@co.marion.or.us
Contact Info
If you have billing questions about your cable television, contact your cable franchise provider.
If you have questions about the commission or if you have a complaint about your cable television service, and live outside Salem's city limits, call (503) 566-4100 or email
If you have a complaint about your cable television service and
live within Salem's city limits, call (503) 588-6066 or email