Oregon Crime Victims’ Rights List
You have rights as a victim of crime.
You can find more information about your rights in the brochures listed below or by calling to speak with an advocate at Victim Assistance at 503-588-5253. An advocate can help explain what rights you have and how you can exercise them.
Some rights are automatic, while others require that you specifically request them in order for them to go into effect. You can request those specific rights by completing and submitting a Victim Rights Request Form, which is listed below. You may also request your rights by speaking with an advocate at Victim Assistance and telling them what rights you are requesting.
If your rights are not honored, you can file a claim for violation of crime victims' rights. It is important to be aware that there are time limits involved in that process. An advocate can help explain the process and help you understand what options might be available to you. You can speak with an advocate by calling 503-588-5253.
The following brochures may help answer some of your questions regarding victim rights:
Victim Rights Brochure - English
Folleto de Derechos de las Victimas en el Sistema de Justicia
Victim Rights Brochure - English Juvenile Cases
Folleto de Derechos de las Victimas en el Sistema de Justicia Juvenil
Post-Conviction Process & Victim Rights
Marion County Victim Assistance Division uses the following forms to help individuals request their rights as a victim of crime:
Victim's Rights Request Form - English
Solicitud de Derechos de Víctimas
Victim's Rights Request Form - English - Juvenile Cases
Solicitud de Derechos de Victimas en Casos Juveniles