4. Approve a Sole Source Determination to establish a contract with EagleView, dba, Pictometry International Corporation, to provide aerial imagery services for a two-year period.
Board Committee Appointment – Ambulance Service Area Advisory Committee
5. Approve orders appointing Shawn Baird as Chair and Kyle Amsberry as Vice-Chair to the Marion County Ambulance Service Area (ASA) Advisory Committee with terms ending December 31, 2025.
6. Approve a quitclaim deed to transfer ownership of tax account 535516 from Marion County to Janice J. Hayes, the adjacent property owner.
7. Approve Amendment #2 to the Contract for Services with Peace of Mind Cleaning, LLC, to add $50,000 for a new contract total of $149,000 to continue to provide janitorial services at various county locations on a scheduled, as needed, and on-call emergency basis through February 13, 2027.
8. Receive notice of the hearings officer’s decision approving Zone Change (ZC) Case #24-005/Bill Stanley on behalf of Don Edwards.
9. Receive notice of the hearings officer’s decision approving Administrative Review (AR) Case #24-019/Sharon K. Vaughn.
10. Receive notice of the hearings officer’s recommendation to approve Zone Change/ Comprehensive Plan (ZC/CP) Case #24-004/Woodry Properties, LLC, and schedule a public hearing for February 26, 2025.
11. Receive notice of the hearings officer’s decision approving Partition, Case #24-005/Marianne Taylor.
12. Approve the incoming funds Grant Agreement with the Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM) in the amount of $222,256 in which an estimated $111,128 will utilize federal funds; an estimated $14,115 will utilize state funds; and an estimated $97,013 will utilize county funds for the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program through June 30, 2025.
13. Approve the incoming funds Transportation Safety Office Grant Agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation in the amount of $399,001.19 for various Marion County transportation safety programs through September 30, 2025.
14. Consider approval of the Public Improvement Agreement with Woodburn Construction CM/GC, LLC in the amount of $454,000 for the relocation and remodel of the new site location for the Marion County Medical Examiner’s Office through December 31, 2025. –Tamra Goettsch and Terry Stoner
15. Consider a resolution approving a rural industrial property tax exemption for GK Machine, Inc. –Sarah Coutley; Kip Morris, Strategic Economic Development Corporation (SEDCOR); and GK Machine Representatives
16. Consider approval of the Purchase Order with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) in the amount of $299,650 for the reimbursement of underutilized funds for the period of July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2019. –Ryan Matthews
17. Consider approval of Amendment #15 to the incoming funds Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to decrease funding in the amount of $120,206.28 for Program Elements PE01-10, OIP - Cares and PE43-05, OIP Bridge COVID for a new contract total of $16,627,512.29 retroactive to November 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. –Ryan Matthews
18. Consider approval of the Standard Support Services and Licensing Agreement with Paradigm Software, LLC, in the amount of $380,776.70 to provide and implement new Public Works Environmental Services (PWES) gates and a Solid Waste Management System (SWMS) with a term date of five years from execution. –Brian May
19. Consider approval of the incoming funds Homeland Security Grant Agreement with the Oregon Department of Emergency Management (OEM) in the amount of $121,345 for Emergency Operations Planning (EOP) services for cities throughout Marion County through September 30, 2026. –Greg Walsh
20. Consider approval of the Construction Contract with Brix Paving Northwest, Inc., in the amount of $139,743.75 for concrete floor repairs at the North Marion Recycling and Transfer Station through December 31, 2026. –Ryan Crowther and Andrew Johnson
21. Consider approval of the Construction Contract with Emery and Sons Construction Group, LLC in the amount of $155,598 to provide Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements on Shaff Road in Stayton, Oregon. –Ryan Crowther